15-20cm, hemispherical with flat tops. Thick with many prominent 'teeth',
forming irregular lobes (2-5cm) or meandering valleys with separate
walls. Colours blue, green, purplish. Commonly seen on our
Southern shores. |
15-20cm, hemispherical and rather flat. Thick walls with prominent
'teeth', forming with wide valleys (2-3cm wide). There is usually
a slight dent or groove along the top of the wall between the corallites.
Colours blue, green. Sometimes seen on our Southern shores. |
free-living coral 15-20cm. Meandering folded form with wide valleys
and tall walls. Sometimes called Banana coral because, when submerged,
the polyp inflates into smooth curved shapes. Sometimes seen on our Southern shores. |
10-20cm, hemi-spherical shape, some nearly ball-shaped. Corallites
have shared meandering walls creating short, crooked valleys that
resembles a jigsaw puzzle. Colours seen include pale beige, brown,
green, blue and purple. Commonly seen on our Southern shores. |
15-30cm, boulder-shaped. Corallites have shared meandering walls sometimes
with long valleys, in others, short irregular polygons. Colours seen
include pale yellow, pink, brown, green and blue. Commonly seen on
our Southern shores. |