sea stars mating

giant clam


sea urchin

hard corals

mushroom coral
Pulau Semakau
350ha. Unspoilt mangroves, vast seagrass meadows, coral reefs, sandy shores.
Entry only with designated interest groups (see below)

History of Semakau Landfill
In 1999, when the last remaining landfill on Singapore's mainland was exhausted, the Semakau Landfill was created by enclosing Pulau Semakau and a small adjacent island (Pulau Sakeng) with a rock bund. More history. All of Singapore's waste now ends up at Semakau, i.e., ash from the incineration plants and all non-incinerable waste.

During the construction of the landfill, effort was made to protect the marine ecosystem, especially mangroves and corals. 13 hectares of mangrove were replanted to replace those removed during construction of the bund. Wildlife continues to thrive on Pulau Semakau, and the air and water quality remains good.

Semakau opened!
On 16 Jul 05, Pulau Semakau was opened for nature-related recreational activities. Members of the public can now visit the island for birdwatching, sports fishing and intertidal walks.

Marine life of Pulau Semakau
The Landfill construction buried all of Pulau Sakeng and half of Pulau Semakau. The original Pulau Semakau which was not buried by the landfill construction has an enormous intertidal area which is rich in amazing wildlife. The natural mangroves there shelter a wide variety of plants and animals, many no longer seen on the mainland or other islands. There is a vast seagrass meadow, possibly the largest in Singapore that is accessible to the public. There is a wide zone of coral rubble with amazing marine life, leading to the coral reefs that line the edge of the island. Here's some posters of Semakau's intertidal shores and more about a survey of Semakau's mangroves in 2005.

Getting there
Contact NEA for a visit to Pulau Semakau:

Other activities
TeamSeagrass also conduct regular surveys of seagrasses on Pulau Semakau. Anyone may join TeamSeagrass as a volunteer. For details and contact see the TeamSeagrass blog

More tips for visitors
More about preparing for a trip to the shores
More FAQs about visiting the shores
How to take photos on the shores.


General information

  • Semakau updates field trips, coastal works and other news from the wild shores of singapore blog.

Background on Semakau and Sakeng

Media articles and blog entries about Semakau

Opening up of Semakau for recreational use

Media articles
Blog entries about the official opening of Semakau

Links to other data about Semakau's wildlife

Older articles about Semakau
Other links

Field guides and references


FREE photos of marine life on Pulau Semakau. Make your own badge here.
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