Survey 2005
June 2005 |
| plants | birds
| fishes| other
intertidal animals
Rare plants in the mangroves
The survey of the mangroves identified 74 species of plants.
Of these, four were among plants listed as endangered in Singapore.
Among them is the Seashore
Bat Lily (Tacca leontopetaloides) which so far
has only been recorded in Pulau Semakau for Singapore.
Other special plants include Api-api
jambu (Avicennia marina) a mangrove tree, Combretum
tetralophum a shrub, and the Seashore mangosteen (Garcinia
Many of the species we came across are considered rare
in Singapore. |
as indicated in Ng, P. K. L. & Y. C. Wee, 1994. The
Singapore Red Data Book: Threatened Plants and Animals
of Singapore.
Endangered: in danger of
immediate extinction and survival unlikely if factors
causing the decline of the species is not reduced or eliminated.
Vulnerable/Rare: likely to
move into the 'endangered' category in the near future
if threats to its survival are not reduced or eliminated.
Indeterminate: known to be
'endangered' or 'vulnerable' but there is not enough information
to determine precise category. |
Vast seagrass meadows
Semakau also has vast stretches of Tape
seagrass (Enhalus acoroides) which is considered rare and
vulnerable in Singapore. Tape seagrass makes up the bulk of the seagrass
meadow at Semakau. This seagrass meadow stretches the whole side of
the island we were surveying. Seagrass meadow also ocurred where there
was a slight depression in the topography of the flat, hence its always
submerged. The meadow with its thick cover of seagrasses, makes it
an ideal habitat for juvenile fish mainly because it provides protection
from predation.
Theree other kinds of seagrasses were seen. Syringodium
isoetifolium occurs intermittently within the Tape seagrass
meadow. The other two seagrasses, Spoon
seagrass (Halophila ovalis) and Needle
seagrass (Halodule sp.) tend to occur in sandy areas which
are exposed at low tides.
Rare animals on the intertidal shores
In previous surveys by smaller teams, we also came across many animals
that are considered rare, vulnerable or endangered. These include
Giant Clams and some varieties of corals.
How is Semakau compared to Chek Jawa?
The two shores are quite different. Semakau has vast stretches of
coral reefs which Chek Jawa does not. And the seagrass area in Semakau
comprises mostly of Tape seagrass, while Chek Jawa's seagrass lagoon
has a variety of other seagrasses and Tape seagrasses are only found
in smaller patches there.
Much more work needs to be done to better document the amazing wildlife
on Pulau Semakau.
Besides the survey of 26 June, smaller teams of 12 made quick 1-2
hour visits during daylight low tides on 14 Dec 04, 12 Jan 05, 9 Mar
05, 10 Mar 05. |