Ubin Town is the
heart of Ubin.
As you leave Ubin Jetty and turn left (westwards),
you will see the "Taxi Service" stand where taxi drivers wait to offer their services.
On the way into town, there are several bicycle rental shops and eating
establishments. The restaurants serve home-cooked seafood and
other local dishes. They can be quite crowded during weekends at peak
In the centre of town is the wayang stage which has a colourful history.
Nearby are provision shops that stock almost everything you could
possibly need on your daytrip and offer fresh coconuts and other delicacies
of the island.
There is a temple tucked away in a corner.
Moving further along in this direction, you will pass the Ubin
Volunteer Hub (previously the Community Centre). The Assembly Area facing it is a conveniently place to start off large groups
visiting Ubin. Cycling groups and student outings start here.
The roof of the Assembly Area has solar panels which are a part of the Ubin Micro-grid.. |
The Wayang Stage at the centre of Ubin Town.

Relaxing at Ubin Town. |