Singapore: City Reefs!
The living reefs of Singapore's Southern Islands has a bewildering
variety of hard corals. Our reefs teem with life, such as clown anemonefishes
(better known as 'Nemo'), sea horses, giant clams and more. There
can be reached within minutes of the city centre and can be explored
at low tide by non-divers, young children and ordinary people. Labrador,
our last mainland reef, is particularly popular with students. Divers
can also enjoy spectacular sights on our Southern reefs, such as a
wall of sea anemones thick with anemonefishes.
click on the red dots for photos for each location

Natural living shores can still be seen on Labrador,
Sentosa, Kusu
Island, St. John's Island, Sisters
Islands and Lazarus Island.
Diving our Southern shores
Just off Sentosa are the beautiful submerged reefs of Buran and Midway.
Here are some photos by Jani of a
dive at Buran and another
dive there on her Blue Tempeh blog; as she describes it "ANEMONE
HEAVEN. WALLS and WALLS of anemones with cute anemonefish". Jani
also has more links and photos of dives
at all our Southern reefs including other reefs less frequently
visited by divers.
Further to the South are the rich reefs of Pulau
Hantu and Pulau Semakau which are also
accessible to the public.
Reclamation of our Southern reefs
Kias and Renget were created by reclamation of what was originally
a small island surrounded by a large rich and living reef. The reclaimed
areas are clearly contrasted with the natural areas in the aerial
google map below, and includes a curved man-made beach between Renget
and Lazarus. Lazarus itself, however, retains some of its original
forest and marine habitats.
