nature activities and events
| dec
| jan
updated 4 Nov
lots of nature activities every weekend! Bring your friends
and family for an outing with a difference. Every trip to our
wild places is an adventure.
activities specially organised for kids. But most nature activities
are suitable for kids. Enquire with the organiser for clarifications.
For those who like to plan ahead, here is a calendar of the
upcoming happenings as we know it. These include talks, exhibitions
and other local nature-related activities. |
Nov: Visits to NEA installations
Incineration Plants, Tuas Marine Transfer Station and Semakau
part of Clean and Green Singapore 2007
Find out more about what happens to your rubbish after you throw
it away. And what you can do to reduce, reuse and recycle so
as to conserve our natural heritage. Book online on the NEA
Nov (Tue-Wed): Clean and Green Singapore Schools' Carnival
Visit the CGS 2007 Schools' Carnival that features innovative
environmental projects by school students from preschool to
tertiary levels. Have fun learning art & craft using recyclable
materials and learn how you could play a part to care for the
9am - 4pm
Venue: Suntec Exhibition Hall
Website: http://www.cgs.org.sg/
7 Nov
(Wed): Two talks in one
(1) A Look Inside Flowers
(2) Behind the Scenes - Chelsea Flower Show Gardens
Let our first speaker, Mr Marc Frank, from the University of
Florida Herbarium ‘wow’ you with his colourful and informative
presentation. You many never look at a flower in the same way
again! Following that, we have Mr Michael Balston, Chairman
of the Chelsea Gardens Panel, who will share on his experience,
explain and illustrate the process of creating winning show
gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show. All are welcome!
Venue: The Botany Centre, Function Hall, Singapore Botanic
Contact: Janice Yau Janice_YAU@nparks.gov.sg
Nov (Wed): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
Special events for Clean and Green Singapore 2007
Free guided introduction to birdwatching from the Main Hide.
See migratory shorebirds that fly south every year in pursuit
of warm weather and food. Registration required.
Time: 9 - 11am
Family Birdwatching Workshop
Find out more about the long-distance travellers that fly south
in search of warm weather and food. Learn to differentiate one
shorebird from another. Families with children from the age
of 6 to 12 yrs are welcome to join us.
Cost: $5 per person
Time: 9 - 11am
more about Sungei Buloh
Wetland Reserve
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
and Clean and Green Singapore 2007 http://www.cgs.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
9 Nov
(Fri): Talk on the living classrooms at Pulborough Brooks Nature
Maureen and Val from the Royal Society for the protection of
birds (RSPB) will be sharing about their nature education and
conservation efforts they have done in the UK and nature reserves
they have worked at. This sharing session is open to all and
will benefit everyone who loves wildlife and nature outreach.
More info about their work on the RSPB
Venue: NSS office, The Sunflower 510 geylang road #02-05
Contact: Vilma D'Rozario vilma.drozario@nie.edu.sg
Nov (Sat): The Birthday Party
Sara at the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden (a guided tour)
Sara is celebrating her baby brother's birthday party. At the
last minute, she realizes she forgot the birthday present! Help
Sara search for the perfect gift at the Children's Garden. Along
the way, have a fun and memorable experience in this new Garden
dedicated to children. Suitable for K1 - P2 levels
Cost: $8.50 per child (includes $2.50 "The Birthday Party,
Sara at the Children's Garden" workbook)
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
Nov (Sat): Feet To Walk at Sembawang Park
Feet To Walk, a new programme of morning brisk walking at parks,
parks connectors and nature reserve. Learn to briskwalk the
right way! Highlights include a view of the Johore Straits and
Historical sites
Start point: Car Park C2
End point: Car Park C1
Website: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/feet_to_walk/
Nov (Sat): Chek Jawa intertidal walk
Let the Ubin NParks volunteers introduce you to the intertidal
marine life of this unique shore on Pulau
Arrangements will be made for taxis to fetch you to and from
Chek Jawa. The taxi ride takes 15 minutes and costs $2 per person
one way. Alternatively, you may wish to rent or bring a bicycle
and cycle to Chek Jawa. On reaching Chek Jawa, nature guides
will be at hand to take visitors on a 45-minutes walk to experience
the amazing marine life there. Participants must wear appropriate
covered footwear e.g. sneakers and canvas shoes (slippers and
sandals are not suitable). Please follow the instructions of
the guide, and stay on the designated route.
Pre-registration required.
More details about the walks on the Ubin
NParks website
More about Chek Jawa.
Venue: In front of the Volunteer Hub at Pulau Ubin (formerly
the basketball court)
Contact: Ubin NParks at 6542-4108
Nov (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
Special events for Clean and Green Singapore 2007
Mangrove walks
Free guided walk for a tranquil stroll through the mangroves
to watch kingfishers and mudskippers. Easy walk without getting
feet wet or muddy. Registration required.
9.30am, 10.30am and 3.30pm, 4.30pm.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Free guided introduction to birdwatching from the Main Hide.
See migratory shorebirds that fly south every year in pursuit
of warm weather and food. Registration required.
Time: 9.30 - 11.30am
Family Birdwatching Workshop
Find out more about the long-distance travellers that fly south
in search of warm weather and food. Learn to differentiate one
shorebird from another. Families with children from the age
of 6 to 12 yrs are welcome to join us.
Cost: $5 per person
Time: 9 - 11am
more about Sungei Buloh
Wetland Reserve
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
and Clean and Green Singapore 2007 http://www.cgs.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Nov (Sat-Sun): South West Clean & Green Singapore Carnival
Go on an "Adventure to the South West Environmental Wonders"
with us at this fun-filled carnival.
11am - 5pm
Venue: Singapore Science Centre
Website: http://www.cgs.org.sg/
Nov (Sat): Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail free guided
A fabulously easy introduction to a rainforest with tall trees
and other mysterious plants! Right in the heart of the city,
within minutes of Orchard Road, this is the oldest remnant of
rainforest in Singapore! more
9am, 10am, 11am, 4pm; Register 15 minutes before the tour at
the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: one hour. Suitable for young children.
A special Mandarin version of this tour is at 4pm.
Contact: Visitor Services, 64717361 or NPARKS_SBG_Visitor_Services@NPARKS.GOV.SG
Nov (Sun): Chek Jawa intertidal walk
Let the Ubin NParks volunteers introduce you to the intertidal
marine life of this unique shore on Pulau
Arrangements will be made for taxis to fetch you to and from
Chek Jawa. The taxi ride takes 15 minutes and costs $2 per person
one way. Alternatively, you may wish to rent or bring a bicycle
and cycle to Chek Jawa. On reaching Chek Jawa, nature guides
will be at hand to take visitors on a 45-minutes walk to experience
the amazing marine life there. Participants must wear appropriate
covered footwear e.g. sneakers and canvas shoes (slippers and
sandals are not suitable). Please follow the instructions of
the guide, and stay on the designated route.
Pre-registration required.
More details about the walks on the Ubin
NParks website
More about Chek Jawa.
Venue: In front of the Volunteer Hub at Pulau Ubin (formerly
the basketball court)
Contact: Ubin NParks at 6542-4108
Nov (Sun): MacRitchie Prunus Trail free guided walk
You'll see breath-taking views of the reservoir and surrounding
forests and learn more about the freshwater and land wildlife
and plants there. This stroll on the boardwalk is suitable for
young children. more
9.25am. Meet at entrance of the trail, about 50m after the canoe
kiosk on the eastern side of MacRitchie Reservoir Park.
Tour duration: about one hour.
To join the guided tour, you will need to pre-book.
Contact: vanessa_chang@nparks.gov.sg
or call :6554 5127.
Nov (Sun): Nature Appreciation Cycling tour at Pulau Ubin Discovery
Part of Clean and Green Singapore 2007
Discover Pulau Ubin on a bicycle with our nature guides on the
Discovery Trail. Our guides will bring you on a journey to enjoy
the rich flora, fauna and history of Ubin along a 5 km long
trail. Participants have to rent their own bicycles for the
Venue: Meet at Pulau Ubin Office
Website: http://www.cgs.org.sg/
Nov (Sun): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
Free guided introduction to birdwatching from the Main Hide.
See migratory shorebirds that fly south every year in pursuit
of warm weather and food. Registration required.
Time: 9.30 - 10.30am
9.30am subject to availability of volunteer guides; for walk
in guests, register at the Visitor Centre. Those coming with
large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Nov (Sun): Feet To Walk at Labrador Nature Reserve
Feet To Walk, a new programme of morning brisk walking at parks,
parks connectors and nature reserve. Learn to briskwalk the
right way! Highlights include views of a rocky sea cliff and
flora and fauna.
Start point: Entrance near Car Park A
End point: Car Park B
Website: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/feet_to_walk/
13 Nov
(Tue): Global Warming: The Latest Word on the Best Science
a free public talk by Prof Richard C. J. Somerville
Lee Kuan Yew Distinguished Visitors
An international group of experts has just completed a thorough
assessment of recent research on climate change science. This
sobering document, published by the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007, calls warming of the climate
system “unequivocal” and attributes most of the observed recent
global warming to human activities, with a confidence level
of 90% or more. At the same time, new research shows that previous
IPCC projections have not exaggerated the climate changes observed
since 1990 and may even have underestimated some aspects of
them. As human activities continue to modify the climate system,
what will the implications be for rising sea level, hurricanes,
and other phenomena? This talk summarizes the key scientific
findings and points out areas where scientific confidence is
high as well as unsolved scientific issues which await further
research progress.
Richard C. J. Somerville is Distinguished Professor Emeritus
at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California,
San Diego, USA. He is a theoretical meteorologist and an expert
on computer simulations of the atmosphere.
Time: 6pm
Venue: Theatre, University Cultural Centre
Contact: Mr Daniel Tan at LKYDVPL@nus.edu.sg
Website: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/lkydvp/home/somervillenuslecture.htm
16 Nov
(Fri): Science Informing Policy: The Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change
a free public talk by Prof Richard C. J. Somerville
Lee Kuan Yew Distinguished Visitors
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has become
the de facto voice of the mainstream scientific community, as
the world seeks to understand the findings of climate science
and their relevance to public policy. The IPCC has been immensely
influential in the debate over anthropogenic climate change,
and it has affected efforts to limit the emissions of gases
that increase the greenhouse effect and cause global warming.
The IPCC was established in 1988 to provide an authoritative
assessment of results from climate science as an input to policymakers.
Its mandate is to assess research, not to do research. Its reports
are policyrelevant but not policy-prescriptive. Thousands of
scientists throughout the world have contributed to the IPCC
effort. This talk provides an IPCC participant’s view of what
the IPCC is and how it works.
Richard C. J. Somerville is Distinguished Professor Emeritus
at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California,
San Diego, USA. He is a theoretical meteorologist and an expert
on computer simulations of the atmosphere.
Time: 6pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 2, Nanyang Avenue
Contact: NTU at ccomms@ntu.edu.sg
Website: http://www.ntu.edu.sg/lkydvp/home/somervillenuslecture.htm
Nov (Sat): Feet To Walk at Khatib Bongsu Park Connector
Feet To Walk, a new programme of morning brisk walking at parks,
parks connectors and nature reserve. Learn to briskwalk the
right way! Highlights include a fishing pond.
Start point: Yishun Park entrance along Yishun Ave 11
End point: Yishun Park
Website: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/feet_to_walk/
Nov (Sat): National Library Garden Walk
The Garden Walks tour introduces the surprisingly large number
of plant species within the National Library gardens. Volunteer
guides share the economic and therapeutic values of plants.
Tours in English (Mandarin upon request). No registration is
Please take your place in person at the National Library Main
Lobby Information Counter at Level 1, half an hour before the
tour begins. However, places are allocated on a first come,
first served basis with a maximum of 20 persons per tour.
Here's more about the walk on the
discovery blog.
4-5.30 pm
Venue: Lee Kong Chian Reference Library
Website: http://www.nlb.gov.sg/
Nov (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor
Centre. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
17 Nov
(Sat): National Orchid Garden Tour free guided walk
Explore the beauty and diversity of orchids at the Singapore
Botanic Gardens with volunteer guides in this one-hour tour.
Please register 15 minutes before the tour. Registration is
on a first-come-first-served basis at the Visitor Centre. more
9am, 10am, 11am and 4pm. Register 15 mins beforehand at Visitor
Admission fees to the National Orchid Garden applies.
Adults - $5; Students - $1; Senior Citizens (Above 60 years)
- $1; Children (Below 12 years) free.
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services (6471 7361)
18 Nov
(Sun): YEAH! Yoga Session & Beach Nature Walk
Come for a 1-hour Beach Yoga Session, a fun and interactive
session focusing on breath awareness, natural movement plus
Yoga postures. Enjoy these exciting lessons as you learn to
develop your motor-skills,balance,concentration and body awareness.
If you never knew that traditional Yoga poses and masssage techniques
can improve your posture and energy levels,be amazed by what
you're about to learn!
Beach Nature-guided Walk (45 mins): At this relaxed nature stroll,
we will look at seaside plantlife and the wildlife that live
on them. Such as the pretty Cotton Stainer Bugs feeding on fruits
of the Sea Hibiscus. Along the strand-line of the beach, we
comb through coastal debris for Attap Chee and other fruits
of seaside vegetation to look at their interesting forms and
shapes. Beach beasts that we may bump into include moon crabs,
sand hoppers and mudskippers.
All proceeds go to ACRES.
TICKETS ARE LIMITED - SIGN UP NOW! Registration required.
Organisors: ACRES, YEAH! and Cicada Tree Eco-place (CTEP)
Venue: Open space next to 'Big Splash' (near boat storage)
To register: send email to teresag@starhub.net.sg
AND charlene@acres.org.sg
Cost: $30 nett per person (send cheque payment to ACRES)
All proceeds go to ACRES
Website: http://www.acres.org.sg/events.htm
Contact: Teresa Teo Guttensohn teresag@starhub.net.sg
Nov (Sun): Clean and Green Singapore - NorthWest
and Eco-Picnic at Admiralty Park
"Come out and Play, It's No TV Day!" event, with a focus on
climate change and energy conservation.
Republic Polytechnic is also organizing the first ever ECO
picnic competition in Singapore in conjunction with Clean
and Green Singapore (CGS) North West! This environment friendly
event promotes the message of conservation, family bonding and
healthy lifestyle. Picnic goers are encouraged to go green in
whatever way they can, such as minimizing the use of disposable
items, using eco-friendly picnic utensils, caring for the environment.
Other activities include a Green Hike and Mini Sports Station
loaded with games like the Environmental Archery, Street Soccer,
8am - 12noon
Venue: Admiralty Park
Website: http://www.cgs.org.sg/
Nov (Sun): Dive Hantu with the Hantu Bloggers
Join the Hantu Blog
for a unique and educational dive experience in our local waters.
Discover what is truly, uniquely Singapore!
For reservations and enquiries, email hantublog@gmail.com
RSVP with the following:
1. Your name
2. IC/Passport number
3. Your email address
4. Your handphone number, and
5. Any rental equipment required incl number of weights.
Your support helps us monitor and document Hantu's reef on a
regular basis! Let's see what's waiting for us out there this
Join the The
Hantu Bloggers Yahoo Group to read the trip itinerary, and
to be informed of future dives.
Nov (Sun): Feet To Walk at Lower Peirce Reservoir
Feet To Walk, a new programme of morning brisk walking at parks,
parks connectors and nature reserve. Learn to briskwalk the
right way! Highlights include the flora and fauna of the forested
Shuttle Service Provided: Ang Mo Kio MRT, pick-up 7-7.30am
Start point: Car Park Casuarina Road
End point: Car Park Casuarina Road
Website: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/feet_to_walk/
Nov (Sun): Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Carnival
If you are looking for a family-bonding experience to kick off
the school holidays with a bang, mark your calendar for 18 November
2007. We will be holding our first ever carnival dedicated to
children at the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden.
It will be a fun-filled day out for the entire family featuring
innovative games and activities to capture the imagination of
the young and young-at-heart. Whether it is exploring the specially
built tree house or finding their way through the plant maze,
your children will have a blast with our wide array of child-centric
The Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden at the Bukit Timah Core
of the Gardens is a specialised fun and fantasy garden dedicated
to children. It is designed to provide unique discovery and
learning experiences in a garden setting. Through play and exploration,
children will learn about the importance of plants and conservation.
Experiences in the garden will stimulate a sense of wonder for
the plant world and provide happy memories for our child visitors.
Optional structured programmes will be offered. This will be
the first garden of its kind in Asia.
Singapore Botanic Garden
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/carnival07.asp
Nov (Sun): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am subject to availability of volunteer guides; for walk
in guests, register at the Visitor Centre. Those coming with
large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Nov (Tue): Amazing Water Plants
A guided tour at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Water plants are interesting group of plants that have adapted
to living in or on water. How do water plants stay afloat? Learn
about the special characteristics of water plants in this tour.
You will also be amazed by the water creatures that live in
the pond too. Suitable for K1 - P6 levels
Cost: $6 per child/parent
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
21 Nov
(Wed): Nature Society Conservation Chat
for NSS members only
Confirmed agenda for this session (a) NSS Proposal for Reforming
Wild Animals and Birds Act (WABA); and (b) PUB's Response to
NSS Feedback on the ABC Waters Programme. Held every three months,
this chat serves as an informal gathering for members concerned
about nature conservation in Singapore. Topics/issues for discussiono
will depend on what surfaces in the months leading up to the
session. Proposals on any other topic or issues are welcomed.
Come to foster camaraderie and to share your fertile mind on
any conservation issue.
Contact: Ho Hua Chew hohc@starhub.net.sg.
Venue: Nature Society (Singapore), 510 Geylang Road,
The Sunflower #02-05 Junction of Geylang Road and Lorong 28
Closest MRT is Aljunied.
Contact: More details about the Nature
Society (Singapore). To join the NSS, email contact@nss.org.sg
or call 6741 2036.
Nov (Thu): Highlights at Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
A talk at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Join us for a talk on the newly opened Children's Garden! Hear
more about plants of many colours, shapes and sizes, textures
and feel in our Sensory Garden. Growing here are also plants
for drinks, plants for dyes and plants that grow on other plants!
Have fun at the fantastic forest which includes a tree house,
a pond, a suspension bridge and a cave! Plenty to do here, plenty
to see! Suitable for K1 - P6 levels
Cost: $2.50 per child/parent
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
Nov (Fri): Chek Jawa intertidal walk
Let the Ubin NParks volunteers introduce you to the intertidal
marine life of this unique shore on Pulau
Arrangements will be made for taxis to fetch you to and from
Chek Jawa. The taxi ride takes 15 minutes and costs $2 per person
one way. Alternatively, you may wish to rent or bring a bicycle
and cycle to Chek Jawa. On reaching Chek Jawa, nature guides
will be at hand to take visitors on a 45-minutes walk to experience
the amazing marine life there. Participants must wear appropriate
covered footwear e.g. sneakers and canvas shoes (slippers and
sandals are not suitable). Please follow the instructions of
the guide, and stay on the designated route.
Pre-registration required.
More details about the walks on the Ubin
NParks website
More about Chek Jawa.
Venue: In front of the Volunteer Hub at Pulau Ubin (formerly
the basketball court)
Contact: Ubin NParks at 6542-4108
Nov (Sat): Plant Highlights at the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
a guided tour
Love to eat chocolates? Seen a cherry tree? Here's your chance
to see cocoa trees, a local cheery tree and many more in this
tour highlighting interesting and useful plants in the Children's
Garden. If you are lucky, you may even have a close brush with
the animals and insects that live amongst the trees and plants
in the garden. Suitable for P1 - P6 levels
Cost: $6 per child/parent
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
24 Nov
(Sat): Recycling Day 2007
Want to know more about the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)?
Want to recycle your recyclables (paper, plastics, cans and
glass) and yet win attractive prizes? Want to do your part for
the environment? Come join us for Recycling Day 2007 on 24 Nov
07 (Saturday),
Exchange recyclables for daily items Plus, be a Champion Recycler
and stand chance to win vouchers!
Vote for your favorite entries in the Photojournalism Competition
& Reusable bags Design competition
Learn more about 3Rs ( Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) through the 3Rs
funfair games and exhibition booth
10am-6 pm
Venue: Central Stage @ Ang Mo Kio Central (beside Jubilee
Entertainment Centre, in front of Blk 720)
Website: http://app.nea.gov.sg/cms/htdocs/article.asp?pid=2582
Recycling Day events will also be held at these locations:
Bukit Batok Central Opp Blk 628A,
Pasir Ris St 11 Blk 109 open space
Punggol CC at 3 Hougang Ave 6.
24 Nov
(Sat): Feet To Walk at Bukit Batok Nature Park
Feet To Walk, a new programme of morning brisk walking at parks,
parks connectors and nature reserve. Learn to briskwalk the
right way! Highlights include a picturesque pond and quarry
Start point: Gate along Bukit Batok East Ave 2
End point: Gate along Bukit Batok East Ave 2
Website: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/feet_to_walk/
24 Nov
(Sun): Birdwatching at Semakau with Ho Hua Chew
for NSS members only
A good time to visit Semakau for migratory birds and migrant
surprises. Resident attractions are: Great-billed Heron. Pacific
Reef Egret, Malaysian Plover, etc. Possible sighting of rare
migrants such as Chinese Egret, Oriental Pratincole, etc.
Booking: Ho Hua Chew E-mail: hohc@starhub.net.sg.
Please note: Identity card or Passport mandatory for boarding.
Strictly for members only – 1st come 1st served basis. Children
under 12 not allowed (NEA regulation).
Meet at 7.30am at the West Coast Ferry Terminal (near Republic
of Singapore Yacht Club.) We will return to mainland by 2pm.
Free parking at Carpark 2 off the West Coast Highway. Please
come with a non-refundable $25 fee for boat & administration.
Send your cheque to NSS office by 16 November with the AP Form.
Number of persons for trip: 11 or 22 or 33.
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: To join the NSS, email contact@nss.org.sg
or call 6741 2036.
Nov (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
3.30am: Marine Fish Tour, a 30-minute tour introducing
the fascinating fishes of Buloh.
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor
Centre. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Nov (Sat): Free Evolution Garden Tour, Singapore Botanic Gardens
through time with our volunteer guides in this one-hour tour.
Bizarre plants, bubbling pools of hot lava and lots of other
things you wouldn't expect to see in a botanic garden!
9am, register at Visitor Centre Time. Register 15 minutes
before the tour. Registration is on a first-come-first-served
Contact : Visitor Services (6471 7361)
25 Nov
(Sun): Feet To Walk at Punggol Park
Feet To Walk, a new programme of morning brisk walking at parks,
parks connectors and nature reserve. Learn to briskwalk the
right way! Highlights include family leisure park and fishing
Start point: Hougang Ave 8 Entrance Plaza (next to Bliss Restaurant)
End point: Hougang Ave 8 Entrance Plaza
Website: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/feet_to_walk/
Nov (Sun): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am subject to availability of volunteer guides; for walk
in guests, register at the Visitor Centre. Those coming with
large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Nov (Sun): Free "Painting with Pui San" at Sungei
Buloh Wetland Reserve
Pui San welcomes artists of all ages or anyone who wants
to learn. His objective is to encourage creativity while enjoying
nature at the same time. Bring along your favourite drawing
or painting supplies. More in the Art
in the Wetlands blog.
8.30am at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve ticketing counter
(Visitor Centre). Session usually lasts until about 11am.
Usual entry charges apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://artinwetlands.wordpress.com/
Contact: Tham Pui Sam at thampuisan@hotmail.com
or the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve at info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Nov (Tue): The Birthday Party
Sara at the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden (a guided tour)
Sara is celebrating her baby brother's birthday party. At the
last minute, she realizes she forgot the birthday present! Help
Sara search for the perfect gift at the Children's Garden. Along
the way, have a fun and memorable experience in this new Garden
dedicated to children. Suitable for K1 - P2 levels
Cost: $8.50 per child (includes $2.50 "The Birthday Party,
Sara at the Children's Garden" workbook)
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
Nov (Thu): Highlights at Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
A talk at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Join us for a talk on the newly opened Children's Garden! Hear
more about plants of many colours, shapes and sizes, textures
and feel in our Sensory Garden. Growing here are also plants
for drinks, plants for dyes and plants that grow on other plants!
Have fun at the fantastic forest which includes a tree house,
a pond, a suspension bridge and a cave! Plenty to do here, plenty
to see! Suitable for K1 - P6 levels
Cost: $2.50 per child/parent
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
Dec (Sat): Nature
Photography Workshop @ Botanic Gardens
Bond with your child, bring out the shutterbugs and learn about
nature photography in the Singapore Botanic Gardens during this
school holiday. A collaboration with Sony, this one-day workshop
will introduce you and your child to the proper handling of
a digital SLR (Sony ?100) camera and basic techniques in digital
photography. A highlight of this workshop is a nature trail
around the Gardens, which allows you and your child to capture
the scenic beauty of Singapore Botanic Gardens. Take this opportunity
to learn about and have fun with plants at the same time. Suitable
for P3 to Sec 3 levels
Cost: $180 per child-parent pair (materials included)
A Sony ?100 camera will be on loan to each child-parent pair
in the workshop
Venue: Botany Centre
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
1 Dec
(Sat): Feet To Walk at Kent Ridge Park
Feet To Walk, a new programme of morning brisk walking at parks,
parks connectors and nature reserve. Learn to briskwalk the
right way! Highlights include the canopy walk and museum there.
Start point: Entrance near Normanton Park
End point: Entrance near Normanton Park
Website: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/feet_to_walk/
Dec (Sat): National Library Garden Walk
The Garden Walks tour introduces the surprisingly large number
of plant species within the National Library gardens. Volunteer
guides share the economic and therapeutic values of plants.
Tours in English (Mandarin upon request). No registration is
Please take your place in person at the National Library Main
Lobby Information Counter at Level 1, half an hour before the
tour begins. However, places are allocated on a first come,
first served basis with a maximum of 20 persons per tour.
Here's more about the walk on the
discovery blog.
4-5.30 pm
Venue: Lee Kong Chian Reference Library
Website: http://www.nlb.gov.sg/
Dec (Sat): Green Vibes
Don't Just Eat Your Vegetable! Learn More About Them @ Green
Vibes - An Educational Tour in a Vegetable Garden. An oasis
of greenery with more than 100 species of vegetables and herbs
awaits you. Located right in the heartlands, Green Vibes offer
visitors a chance to experience its bounty and wealth of agricultural
crops up close. There is truly something for everyone in the
More details on the NParks
Venue: Bishan Park (next to Bishan Road)
Contact: Register with Gin Chua at 64597744 or chua_tiong_ghim@nparks.gov.sg
Dec (Sat): Pedal Ubin
Take a journey on bicycle with the Jungle Fowls, a bunch of
friendly and passionate volunteer guides from NUS' Raffles Museum
of Biodiversity Research, who want to share the joys of discovering
nature and heritage in Pulau Ubin. Wobbly, steady or wow! -
No worries if you're a novice cyclist - if you can balance yourself
on a bike, you will survive!
up and more details on the pedal
ubin website
8.30am, meet at the Ubin Volunteer Hub
Dec (Sat): Lower Peirce Boardwalk
free Nature Appreciation Walk
The 900m boardwalks take you through the forest then along the
edge of the Reservoir. So you will encounter a wide range of
wildlife from forest to aquatic creatures. And enjoy wonderful
panaromas of waters surrounding by luxuriant forest. Shaded
by the forest, the walk is pleasantly cool and suitable for
young children. more
or 10.25am. Meet at Casuarina Entrance of the trail along Old
Upper Thomson Road, which is a 2 minutes walk from Casuarina
Tour duration: about one and a half hours. Suitable for
young children
To join the guided tour, you will need to pre-book.
Contact: vanessa_chang@nparks.gov.sg
or call :6554 5127.
Dec (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor
Centre. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Dec (Sun): Chek Jawa Boardwalk Tour with the Naked Hermit Crabs
All of us can now visit Chek Jawa any tide thanks to the launch
of the Chek Jawa Boardwalk! The Naked Hermit Crabs have designed
a special tour on the boardwalk to introduce everyone to Chek
Jawa! Enjoy the great view and find out more about Chek Jawa.
Join us to check out rare coastal plants, cute fiddler crabs,
aggressive mudskippers, sturdy mangrove trees, interesting bugs
and more!
Chek Jawa is on Pulau Ubin. To get to Pulau Ubin, take a 10-min
boat ride from Changi Point Ferry Terminal (at Changi Village).
From Ubin Jetty, you can take a van to Chek Jawa. You can also
rent a bicycle at one of the shops near Ubin Jetty, to cycle
to Chek Jawa. More about Pulau
Ubin and Chek Jawa.
Pre-registration required: Email nakedhermitcrabs@gmail.com
with "Chek Jawa Boardwalk Tour" in the subject line and these
details: name and contact of lead person; number of adults;
number and age of children.
Who are the Naked Hermit Crabs? Why are they naked? How do we
sign up? How to get there? What do we prepare? All naked details
on the Naked
Hermit Crabs blog
Time: Starts 9.30am
Meeting point: Chek Jawa Information Kiosk
Duration: 2 hours.
Cost: $4 per person (does not include transport charges
to Ubin and Chek Jawa)
Website: http://nakedhermitcrabs.blogspot.com/
Contact: nakedhermitcrabs@gmail.com
2 Dec
(Sun): Birdwatching at Semakau with Wing Chong
for NSS members only
At this second round of the Semakau site, Wing Chong takes you
to sight both resident and rare migrant birds who flock there
in December.
Booking: Wing Chong wingchong58@yahoo.com.
Please note: Identity card or Passport mandatory for boarding.
Strictly for members only – 1st come 1st served basis. Children
under 12 not allowed (NEA regulation).
Meet at 7.30am at the West Coast Ferry Terminal (near Republic
of Singapore Yacht Club.) We will return to mainland by 2pm.
Free parking at Carpark 2 off the West Coast Highway. Please
come with a non-refundable $25 fee for boat & administration.
Send your cheque to NSS office by 16 November with the AP Form.
Number of persons for trip: 11 or 22 or 33.
Website: http://www.nss.org.sg/
Contact: To join the NSS, email contact@nss.org.sg
or call 6741 2036.
2 Dec
(Sun): Feet To Walk at MacRitchie Reservoir
Lornie/Chemperai/Jering Trail
Feet To Walk, a new programme of morning brisk walking at parks,
parks connectors and nature reserve. Learn to briskwalk the
right way! Highlights include the boardwalk and nature trail.
Start point: Car Park B along Lornie Road
End point: Car Park B along Lornie Road
Website: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/feet_to_walk/
Dec (Sun): Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
free Nature Appreciation Walk
The walk takes you along South View trail, a short, slightly
undulating natural path, for a quick introduction to the rainforest.
You will learn more about the amazing plant life in a rainforest
and how everything fits remarkably together. Suitable for children
aged 9 and above. more
Meet at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Visitor Centre, gather
at the ranger counter.
Tour duration: About one hour. Not accessible to prams
and wheelchairs.
To join the guided tour, you will need to pre-book with NParks.
Contact: vanessa_chang@nparks.gov.sg
or Tel:6554 5127
Dec (Sun): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am subject to availability of volunteer guides; for walk
in guests, register at the Visitor Centre. Those coming with
large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Dec (Tue): Plants & Me!
A children's workshop at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Indoor and outdoor sessions including plants and their uses,
art & craft with plants and a planting session. Suitable
for P1-P3.
Cost: $80 per child includes all materials, refreshment
and lunch
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
Dec (Thu): Flower Power!
A children's workshop at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Indoor and outdoor sessions including the flower trail, investigating
flowering plants and a planting session. Suitable for P4-P6.
Cost: $80 per child includes all materials, refreshment
and lunch
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
Dec (Sat): Chek Jawa intertidal walk
Let the Ubin NParks volunteers introduce you to the intertidal
marine life of this unique shore on Pulau
Arrangements will be made for taxis to fetch you to and from
Chek Jawa. The taxi ride takes 15 minutes and costs $2 per person
one way. Alternatively, you may wish to rent or bring a bicycle
and cycle to Chek Jawa. On reaching Chek Jawa, nature guides
will be at hand to take visitors on a 45-minutes walk to experience
the amazing marine life there. Participants must wear appropriate
covered footwear e.g. sneakers and canvas shoes (slippers and
sandals are not suitable). Please follow the instructions of
the guide, and stay on the designated route.
Pre-registration required.
More details about the walks on the Ubin
NParks website
More about Chek Jawa.
Venue: In front of the Volunteer Hub at Pulau Ubin (formerly
the basketball court)
Contact: Ubin NParks at 6542-4108
Dec (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
3.30am: Marine Fish Tour, a 30-minute tour introducing
the fascinating fishes of Buloh.
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor
Centre. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Dec (Sat): Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail free guided
A fabulously easy introduction to a rainforest with tall trees
and other mysterious plants! Right in the heart of the city,
within minutes of Orchard Road, this is the oldest remnant of
rainforest in Singapore! more
9am, 10am, 11am, 4pm; Register 15 minutes before the tour at
the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: one hour. Suitable for young children.
A special Mandarin version of this tour is at 4pm.
Contact: Visitor Services, 64717361 or NPARKS_SBG_Visitor_Services@NPARKS.GOV.SG
Dec (Sun): Chek Jawa intertidal walk
Let the Ubin NParks volunteers introduce you to the intertidal
marine life of this unique shore on Pulau
Arrangements will be made for taxis to fetch you to and from
Chek Jawa. The taxi ride takes 15 minutes and costs $2 per person
one way. Alternatively, you may wish to rent or bring a bicycle
and cycle to Chek Jawa. On reaching Chek Jawa, nature guides
will be at hand to take visitors on a 45-minutes walk to experience
the amazing marine life there. Participants must wear appropriate
covered footwear e.g. sneakers and canvas shoes (slippers and
sandals are not suitable). Please follow the instructions of
the guide, and stay on the designated route.
Pre-registration required.
More details about the walks on the Ubin
NParks website
More about Chek Jawa.
Venue: In front of the Volunteer Hub at Pulau Ubin (formerly
the basketball court)
Contact: Ubin NParks at 6542-4108
Dec (Sun): MacRitchie Prunus Trail free guided walk
You'll see breath-taking views of the reservoir and surrounding
forests and learn more about the freshwater and land wildlife
and plants there. This stroll on the boardwalk is suitable for
young children. more
9.25am. Meet at entrance of the trail, about 50m after the canoe
kiosk on the eastern side of MacRitchie Reservoir Park.
Tour duration: about one hour.
To join the guided tour, you will need to pre-book.
Contact: vanessa_chang@nparks.gov.sg
or call :6554 5127.
Dec (Mon): Chek Jawa intertidal walk
Let the Ubin NParks volunteers introduce you to the intertidal
marine life of this unique shore on Pulau
Arrangements will be made for taxis to fetch you to and from
Chek Jawa. The taxi ride takes 15 minutes and costs $2 per person
one way. Alternatively, you may wish to rent or bring a bicycle
and cycle to Chek Jawa. On reaching Chek Jawa, nature guides
will be at hand to take visitors on a 45-minutes walk to experience
the amazing marine life there. Participants must wear appropriate
covered footwear e.g. sneakers and canvas shoes (slippers and
sandals are not suitable). Please follow the instructions of
the guide, and stay on the designated route.
Pre-registration required.
More details about the walks on the Ubin
NParks website
More about Chek Jawa.
Venue: In front of the Volunteer Hub at Pulau Ubin (formerly
the basketball court)
Contact: Ubin NParks at 6542-4108
Dec (Wed): Colours in the Garden!
A children's workshop at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Indoor and outdoor sessions including a trail of colours, and
a planting session. Suitable for K1 and K2.
Cost: $50 per child includes all materials, refreshment
and lunch
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
Dec (Sat): National Library Garden Walk
The Garden Walks tour introduces the surprisingly large number
of plant species within the National Library gardens. Volunteer
guides share the economic and therapeutic values of plants.
Tours in English (Mandarin upon request). No registration is
Please take your place in person at the National Library Main
Lobby Information Counter at Level 1, half an hour before the
tour begins. However, places are allocated on a first come,
first served basis with a maximum of 20 persons per tour.
Here's more about the walk on the
discovery blog.
4-5.30 pm
Venue: Lee Kong Chian Reference Library
Website: http://www.nlb.gov.sg/
15 Dec
(Sat): Native Plant Hunt
Are you curious about the names of some of the plants found
in Hindhede Nature Park? Here's a chance to help you learn at
least 8 native plant species in a fun way! Form a team of 3
to 5 members pick up a set of clues at the Bukit Timah Nature
Reserve Visitor Centre. You have 1 hour to complete your hunt.
This activity is conducted by the Building and Environment Green
Volunteers from Ngee Ann Polytechnic's School of Engineering
and the Central Nature Reserve volunteers. Registration for
the free plant hunt is limited to maximum of 10 people per registrant.
10.00 to 11.00am. Start at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
Visitor Centre.
Contact: Genevie Chua at 6554 5127 or Genevie_Chua@nparks.gov.sg
Dec (Sat): Shapes, Sizes and Textures
a guided tour at the Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
Waxy, hairy, smooth or rough. Big, small or tiny. Compound or
singular. In this tour, you can learn about the many varied
shapes, sizes and textures of leaves and other plants parts
of interesting plants in the Children's Garden. Suitable for
K1 - P2 levels.
Cost: $6 per child/parent
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
Dec (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor
Centre. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
15 Dec
(Sat): National Orchid Garden Tour free guided walk
Explore the beauty and diversity of orchids at the Singapore
Botanic Gardens with volunteer guides in this one-hour tour.
Please register 15 minutes before the tour. Registration is
on a first-come-first-served basis at the Visitor Centre. more
9am, 10am, 11am and 4pm. Register 15 mins beforehand at Visitor
Admission fees to the National Orchid Garden applies.
Adults - $5; Students - $1; Senior Citizens (Above 60 years)
- $1; Children (Below 12 years) free.
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services (6471 7361)
Dec (Sun): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am subject to availability of volunteer guides; for walk
in guests, register at the Visitor Centre. Those coming with
large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
16 Dec
(Sun): Birdwatching at Pulau Ubin
for NSS members only
With Ali Jaafar. Join us on this pre-Christmas trip to check
out the migrants that seek temporary abode in this idyllic island
and not forgetting our resident birds Oriental Pied Hornbill
and many others. Also, do remember to look out for the Peregrine
Falcon that is often sighted near the Pulau Ubin jetty.
7.30am, meet at Changi Point Jetty.
Contact: More details about the Nature
Society (Singapore). To join the NSS, email contact@nss.org.sg
or call 6741 2036.
Dec (Wed): A Trail of Colours
a guided tour at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Our beautiful Garden would not be completed without the colourful
blooms! In this tour, children will be able to learn about the
forms and functions of flower parts. Suitable for P1 - P6 levels
Cost: $6 per child/parent
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/education/workshopchi.asp
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
Dec (Sat): Chek Jawa intertidal walk
Let the Ubin NParks volunteers introduce you to the intertidal
marine life of this unique shore on Pulau
Arrangements will be made for taxis to fetch you to and from
Chek Jawa. The taxi ride takes 15 minutes and costs $2 per person
one way. Alternatively, you may wish to rent or bring a bicycle
and cycle to Chek Jawa. On reaching Chek Jawa, nature guides
will be at hand to take visitors on a 45-minutes walk to experience
the amazing marine life there. Participants must wear appropriate
covered footwear e.g. sneakers and canvas shoes (slippers and
sandals are not suitable). Please follow the instructions of
the guide, and stay on the designated route.
Pre-registration required.
More details about the walks on the Ubin
NParks website
More about Chek Jawa.
Venue: In front of the Volunteer Hub at Pulau Ubin (formerly
the basketball court)
Contact: Ubin NParks at 6542-4108
Dec (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
3.30am: Marine Fish Tour, a 30-minute tour introducing
the fascinating fishes of Buloh.
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor
Centre. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Dec (Sat): Free Evolution Garden Tour, Singapore Botanic Gardens
through time with our volunteer guides in this one-hour tour.
Bizarre plants, bubbling pools of hot lava and lots of other
things you wouldn't expect to see in a botanic garden!
9am, register at Visitor Centre Time. Register 15 minutes
before the tour. Registration is on a first-come-first-served
Contact : Visitor Services (6471 7361)
Dec (Sun): Chek Jawa intertidal walk
Let the Ubin NParks volunteers introduce you to the intertidal
marine life of this unique shore on Pulau
Arrangements will be made for taxis to fetch you to and from
Chek Jawa. The taxi ride takes 15 minutes and costs $2 per person
one way. Alternatively, you may wish to rent or bring a bicycle
and cycle to Chek Jawa. On reaching Chek Jawa, nature guides
will be at hand to take visitors on a 45-minutes walk to experience
the amazing marine life there. Participants must wear appropriate
covered footwear e.g. sneakers and canvas shoes (slippers and
sandals are not suitable). Please follow the instructions of
the guide, and stay on the designated route.
Pre-registration required.
More details about the walks on the Ubin
NParks website
More about Chek Jawa.
Venue: In front of the Volunteer Hub at Pulau Ubin (formerly
the basketball court)
Contact: Ubin NParks at 6542-4108
Dec (Sun): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am subject to availability of volunteer guides; for walk
in guests, register at the Visitor Centre. Those coming with
large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Dec (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am: Marine Fish Tour, a 30-minute tour introducing
the fascinating fishes of Buloh.
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor
Centre. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Dec (Sun): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am subject to availability of volunteer guides; for walk
in guests, register at the Visitor Centre. Those coming with
large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401
Dec (Sun): Free "Painting with Pui San" at Sungei
Buloh Wetland Reserve
Pui San welcomes artists of all ages or anyone who wants
to learn. His objective is to encourage creativity while enjoying
nature at the same time. Bring along your favourite drawing
or painting supplies. More in the Art
in the Wetlands blog.
8.30am at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve ticketing counter
(Visitor Centre). Session usually lasts until about 11am.
Usual entry charges apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://artinwetlands.wordpress.com/
Contact: Tham Pui Sam at thampuisan@hotmail.com
or the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve info@sbwr.org.sg
or call 6794 1401 |
Jan (Sat): National Library Garden Walk
The Garden Walks tour introduces the surprisingly large number
of plant species within the National Library gardens. Volunteer
guides share the economic and therapeutic values of plants.
Tours in English (Mandarin upon request). No registration is
Please take your place in person at the National Library Main
Lobby Information Counter at Level 1, half an hour before the
tour begins. However, places are allocated on a first come,
first served basis with a maximum of 20 persons per tour.
Here's more about the walk on the
discovery blog.
4-5.30 pm
Venue: Lee Kong Chian Reference Library
Website: http://www.nlb.gov.sg/
Jan (Sat): Green Vibes
Don't Just Eat Your Vegetable! Learn More About Them @ Green
Vibes - An Educational Tour in a Vegetable Garden. An oasis
of greenery with more than 100 species of vegetables and herbs
awaits you. Located right in the heartlands, Green Vibes offer
visitors a chance to experience its bounty and wealth of agricultural
crops up close. There is truly something for everyone in the
More details on the NParks
Venue: Bishan Park (next to Bishan Road)
Contact: Register with Gin Chua at 64597744 or chua_tiong_ghim@nparks.gov.sg
Jan (Sat): Lower Peirce Boardwalk
free Nature Appreciation Walk
The 900m boardwalks take you through the forest then along the
edge of the Reservoir. So you will encounter a wide range of
wildlife from forest to aquatic creatures. And enjoy wonderful
panaromas of waters surrounding by luxuriant forest. Shaded
by the forest, the walk is pleasantly cool and suitable for
young children. more
or 10.25am. Meet at Casuarina Entrance of the trail along Old
Upper Thomson Road, which is a 2 minutes walk from Casuarina
Tour duration: about one and a half hours. Suitable for
young children
To join the guided tour, you will need to pre-book.
Contact: vanessa_chang@nparks.gov.sg
or call :6554 5127.
Jan (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor
Centre. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: sbwr@pacific.net.sg
or call 6794 1401
Jan (Sat): Free Evolution Garden Tour, Singapore Botanic Gardens
through time with our volunteer guides in this one-hour tour.
Bizarre plants, bubbling pools of hot lava and lots of other
things you wouldn't expect to see in a botanic garden!
9am, register at Visitor Centre Time. Register 15 minutes
before the tour. Registration is on a first-come-first-served
Contact : Visitor Services (6471 7361)
Jan (Sun): Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
free Nature Appreciation Walk
The walk takes you along South View trail, a short, slightly
undulating natural path, for a quick introduction to the rainforest.
You will learn more about the amazing plant life in a rainforest
and how everything fits remarkably together. Suitable for children
aged 9 and above. more
Meet at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Visitor Centre, gather
at the ranger counter.
Tour duration: About one hour. Not accessible to prams
and wheelchairs.
To join the guided tour, you will need to pre-book with NParks.
Contact: vanessa_chang@nparks.gov.sg
or Tel:6554 5127
Jan (Sun): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am subject to availability of volunteer guides; for walk
in guests, register at the Visitor Centre. Those coming with
large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: sbwr@pacific.net.sg
or call 6794 1401
Jan (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
3.30am: Marine Fish Tour, a 30-minute tour introducing
the fascinating fishes of Buloh.
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor
Centre. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: sbwr@pacific.net.sg
or call 6794 1401
Jan (Sat): Botanic Gardens Rainforest Trail free guided
A fabulously easy introduction to a rainforest with tall trees
and other mysterious plants! Right in the heart of the city,
within minutes of Orchard Road, this is the oldest remnant of
rainforest in Singapore! more
9am, 10am, 11am, 4pm; Register 15 minutes before the tour at
the Visitor Centre.
Tour duration: one hour. Suitable for young children.
A special Mandarin version of this tour is at 4pm.
Contact: Visitor Services, 64717361 or NPARKS_SBG_Visitor_Services@NPARKS.GOV.SG
Jan (Sun): MacRitchie Prunus Trail free guided walk
You'll see breath-taking views of the reservoir and surrounding
forests and learn more about the freshwater and land wildlife
and plants there. This stroll on the boardwalk is suitable for
young children. more
9.25am. Meet at entrance of the trail, about 50m after the canoe
kiosk on the eastern side of MacRitchie Reservoir Park.
Tour duration: about one hour.
To join the guided tour, you will need to pre-book.
Contact: vanessa_chang@nparks.gov.sg
or call :6554 5127.
Jan (Sat): National Library Garden Walk
The Garden Walks tour introduces the surprisingly large number
of plant species within the National Library gardens. Volunteer
guides share the economic and therapeutic values of plants.
Tours in English (Mandarin upon request). No registration is
Please take your place in person at the National Library Main
Lobby Information Counter at Level 1, half an hour before the
tour begins. However, places are allocated on a first come,
first served basis with a maximum of 20 persons per tour.
Here's more about the walk on the
discovery blog.
4-5.30 pm
Venue: Lee Kong Chian Reference Library
Website: http://www.nlb.gov.sg/
Jan (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor
Centre. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: sbwr@pacific.net.sg
or call 6794 1401
19 Jan
(Sat): National Orchid Garden Tour free guided walk
Explore the beauty and diversity of orchids at the Singapore
Botanic Gardens with volunteer guides in this one-hour tour.
Please register 15 minutes before the tour. Registration is
on a first-come-first-served basis at the Visitor Centre. more
9am, 10am, 11am and 4pm. Register 15 mins beforehand at Visitor
Admission fees to the National Orchid Garden applies.
Adults - $5; Students - $1; Senior Citizens (Above 60 years)
- $1; Children (Below 12 years) free.
Website: http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Contact: Visitor Services (6471 7361)
Jan (Sun): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am subject to availability of volunteer guides; for walk
in guests, register at the Visitor Centre. Those coming with
large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: sbwr@pacific.net.sg
or call 6794 1401
Jan (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
3.30am: Marine Fish Tour, a 30-minute tour introducing
the fascinating fishes of Buloh.
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor
Centre. Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: sbwr@pacific.net.sg
or call 6794 1401
Jan (Sat): Free Evolution Garden Tour, Singapore Botanic Gardens
through time with our volunteer guides in this one-hour tour.
Bizarre plants, bubbling pools of hot lava and lots of other
things you wouldn't expect to see in a botanic garden!
9am, register at Visitor Centre Time. Register 15 minutes
before the tour. Registration is on a first-come-first-served
Contact : Visitor Services (6471 7361)
Jan (Sun): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves
and freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there
is also other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am subject to availability of volunteer guides; for walk
in guests, register at the Visitor Centre. Those coming with
large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://www.sbwr.org.sg/
Contact: sbwr@pacific.net.sg
or call 6794 1401
Jan (Sun): Free "Painting with Pui San" at Sungei
Buloh Wetland Reserve
Pui San welcomes artists of all ages or anyone who wants
to learn. His objective is to encourage creativity while enjoying
nature at the same time. Bring along your favourite drawing
or painting supplies. More in the Art
in the Wetlands blog.
8.30am at the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve ticketing counter
(Visitor Centre). Session usually lasts until about 11am.
Usual entry charges apply: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Website: http://artinwetlands.wordpress.com/
Contact: Tham Pui Sam at thampuisan@hotmail.com
or the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve at sbwr@pacific.net.sg
or call 6794 1401
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