Nature activities and events happening this
Jun 07
Jun (Tue): Trees & Me at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Suitable for K1 & K2. Includes an outdoor tour on Trees in the Gardens
and an indoor planting session or My Mini Garden.
More details on the Singapore
Botanic Gardens website
Cost: $50.00 per child (includes all materials, refreshments
and lunch)
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
Jun (Wed): Young Animals Lover!
Puppies, kittens and little bunnies make adorable pets. But these
cuties require a lot of time and effort to take care of. Find out
more about the responsibility it takes and how you can make sure
that your furry friend will be a happy pet. A cuddly mystery pet
will be making an appearance. For 7-12 years old!! Presented by
Selina Sebastian, SPCA.
Venue: Geylang East Community Library
Contact: National
Library contact page
Jun (Thu): Singapore Botanic Gardens - Our Heritage
Come re-discover the Singapore Botanic Gardens! Tour our newly re-opened
and re-developed Gardens in this 1- hour walk through the Tanglin/Heritage
Core. Highlights of this tour include the new Main Gate, the Heritage
Trees, the Saraca Stream Walk and the new Public Reference Centre.
Participants will be given the opportunity to access reference materials
and advice on plant care in this new facility of the Gardens! Suitable
for family groups (including children of Primary 1 to Lower Secondary
More details on the Singapore
Botanic Gardens website
Cost: $5 per child/parent
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
Jun (Fri): Flower Trail at the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Come discover the beauty of flowers in the Singapore Botanic Gardens.
Increase your understanding of flowers; their roles, their forms
and functions! Learn also about pollination; the birds and the bees!
Suitable for family groups (including children of Primary 1 to Lower
Secondary levels)
More details on the Singapore
Botanic Gardens website
Cost: $5 per child/parent
Contact: Singapore Botanic Gardens 6471 9961
16 Jun (Sat):
Snakes in Singapore - Know Them and You Will Love Them!
Mr Chim Chee Kong gives this talk. Most people fear snakes, understandably
at times but illogically in most cases. The myths and stories surrounding
the slithering cold blooded snake have perhaps contributed to this
instinctive fear. It is in fact possible for us to appreciate snakes
and co-exist with them, if we try to know these amazing animals
better. There are more than 60 species of snakes in Singapore, but
only a handful of them are considered to be potentially dangerous
to us. Besides cobras and pythons, this tropical city is also home
to other snakes such as flying snakes, crab-eating snakes and whipsnakes.
Join us at this informative talk and discover interesting facts
and stories about the often "misunderstood" animal.
More about Chee Kong on the habitatnews
See also Chee Kong's Singapore
Snakes blog aka Slog
Venue: Tampines Regional Library
Contact: National
Library contact page
Jun (Sat): Pulau Semakau Intertidal walk
Let the volunteer guides of the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research
introduce you to the amazing seagrass meadows, coral reefs and other
natural marinelife on Pulau Semakau.
More about the intertidal walk on the RMBR
More about Pulau Semakau
Cost Cost per child (age 12-18): $39.90. Children between
7 and 11 are allowed only when accompanied by their parents. Fees
apply. All costs are inclusive of GST. Booking is on a first-come-first-serve
Contact: Luan Keng dbswlk@nus.edu.sg
16 Jun (Sat):
Plant Walk @ Hindhede Nature Park
Do you know that we have a Brazil Nut Tree in the park? Do you also
know that the wood of Jelutong is used to make pencils? Let our
volunteers share with you stories about our green allies in Hindhede
Nature Park.
This activty is conducted by the Building and Environment Green
Volunteers from Ngee Ann Polytechnic?s School of Engineering and
the Central Nature Reserve volunteers.
First walk: 10.00am Second walk: 10.30am Meet us 5 minutes earlier
in front of the information counter at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
Visitor Centre.
Contact: Genevie Chua at 6554 5127 or mailto:Genevie_Chua@nparks.gov.sg
Jun (Sat): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves and
freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there is also
other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am: Marine Fish Tour, a 30-minute tour introducing the
fascinating fishes of Buloh.
9.30 am and 3.30pm for walk in guests, register at the Visitor Centre.
Those coming with large groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Contact: sbwr@pacific.net.sg
or call 6794 1401
16 Jun (Sat):
National Orchid Garden Tour free guided walk
Explore the beauty and diversity of orchids at the Singapore Botanic
Gardens with volunteer guides in this one-hour tour. Please register
15 minutes before the tour. Registration is on a first-come-first-served
basis at the Visitor Centre. more
9am, 10am, 11am and 4pm. Register 15 mins beforehand at Visitor
Contact: Visitor Services (6471 7361)
Admission fees to the National Orchid Garden applies. Adults
- $5; Students - $1; Senior Citizens (Above 60 years) - $1; Children
(Below 12 years) free.
Jun (Sun): Dive Hantu with the Hantu Bloggers
Join the Hantu Blog for
a unique and educational dive experience in our local waters. Discover
what is truly, uniquely Singapore!
For reservations and enquiries, email hantublog@gmail.com
RSVP with the following:
1. Your name
2. IC/Passport number
3. Your email address
4. Your handphone number, and
5. Any rental equipment required incl number of weights.
Your support helps us monitor and document Hantu's reef on a regular
basis! Let's see what's waiting for us out there this time!
Venue: Keppel
Marina, Bukit Chermin Road
Time (Departure): 0930 hrs
[Dive 1] 1st Surface Interval + Lunch [Dive 2]
Departure ETA: 1500 hrs
0930 hrs
Venue: Keppel Marina, Bt. Chermin Rd map
Cost: S$80.00 (excl gear rental) Cancellation fee $40.00
17 Jun (Sun):
MacRitchie - Bukit Timah briskwalks by the Habitatnews
Sunrise in MacRitchie and breakfast in Bukit Timah!
The 2-hour walk is a chance to experience the ambience of the morning's
sounds and fresh smells and a beautiful sunrise. Led by a group
of regular walkers on these trails, this walk is unusual for us
as it is not a nature observation walk (which is a much longer walk),
but rather, a chance to exercise amidst a pleasant, natural setting
that we should treasure in Singapore. Everyone is welcome, but you
should be used to taking short walks at least and wear a proper
pair of walking shoes. And, critically, be able to wake up early
enough to reach MacRitchie carpark at 6.45am, since we leave on
time! We hope to reach the foot of Bukit Timah hill by 9.30am, leaving
you rejuvenated with your whole Sunday still ahead of you.
Visit the MR-BT
briskwalk webpage to register and for details about the route,
preparation, trail etiquette and photos from previous walks.
6.45am, at MacRitchie carpark
Contact: MR-BT
briskwalk webpage
Jun (Sun): Kusu Island Reefwalk with the Blue Water Volunteers
Have a Lunary New Year outing with BWV! Check out the corals and
other intertidal creatures at Kusu Island. The vacancies are on
a first-come-first serve basis, so don't wait and register NOW!
To register, email reefwalk@bluewatervolunteers.org
with the following info: full name, contact number, email, total
number of participants, contact of next-of-kin, age of children
(if any)
More about Blue Water
Volunteers and Kusu
Meeting Venue: To be confirmed
Cost: $15 per person
Jun (Sun): Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve free guided walk
You'll see the fabulous plants and animals of the mangroves and
freshwater wetlands. Besides the abundant bird life, there is also
other fascinating wildlife in the Reserve. more
9.30am subject to availability of volunteer guides; for walk in
guests, register at the Visitor Centre. Those coming with large
groups are advised to pre-register.
Tour duration: one to one and a half hours. Easy trails,
some suitable for young children.
Entry charges: $1 per adult, 50cents per child/student/senior
Contact: sbwr@pacific.net.sg
or call 6794 1401
Jun (Tue): Nature's IR at Sentosa: family shore walks with the Naked
Hermit Crabs
At Sentosa, nature has had an integrated resort for a long long
time! And tucked away in a corner of Sentosa, is a marvellous natural
The Naked
Hermit Crabs have specially designed this easy one-and-a-half-hour
walk to introduce kids 9 years and above to this shore during low
tide. No need to swim or dive! Come with the whole family!
Some of the amazing NATURAL sights include spectacular cliffs, a
lush coastal forest and a natural lagoon with living corals, seagrasses
and lots of marine life. There will be a little bit of climbing,
and you will get your shoes wet when we explore part of the lagoon.
For the more hardy and fool hardy, the Naked Hermit Crabs have also
designed an Adventure Trail on this shore! This trail is much longer
and more physically demanding than the Family Trail. It takes about
two and a half hours and is suitable for kids 13 years old and above.
is required, places are limited.
Who are the Naked Hermit Crabs? Why are they naked? How do we sign
up? How to get there? What do we prepare? All naked details on the
Naked Hermit Crabs
Starts 7.30am for both walks
Meeting point: will be advised to those who register
Duration: Family Trail=1.5 hours, Adventure Trail=2.5 hours.
Cost: $5 per person (does not include Sentosa entrance fees
and charges)
Contact: nakedhermitcrabs@gmail.com
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