snakes text index
shore snakes in general
Photo index of snakes on Singapore shores

file snake

Acrochordus granulatus

Dog-faced water snake
(Schneider's Bockadam)
Cerberus schneiderii

sea krait

Laticauda colubrina

Banded krait
Bungarus fasciatus

Puff-faced water snake
Homalopsis buccata
1m or more. Black or brown bands on white or beige, bands are broad on the top but narrows at the sides. Near mangroves in seagrass areas. Sometimes seen on our Northern shores. Harmless About 1m. Irregular bands of grey, brown or olive on beige. Dark streak through the bulging eye to the neck. In mangroves. Commonly seen on our Northern shores, sometimes on our other shores too. Mildly venomous, harmless. About 1.4m. Bluish-grey, smooth scales and regularly spaced black bands. Upper lips yellow, tail flattened into a paddle-like shape. Coral reefs and rubble. Sometimes seen on our Southern shores. Highly venomous 1.5-2m. Body with triangular cross-section. Black and white bands of equal size. Tail not flattened into paddle shape. Sometimes seen in mangroves and shores. Highly venomous 1.2m. Brown stripe through the eye, dark-edged brown bands. May be common in freshwater ponds, canals, stream. Midly venomous.

Marbled sea snake
Aipysurus eydouxii

Crab-eating snake
Fordonia leucobalia
1m. Body cylindrical with large rounded scales. Tail flattened paddle-shaped. Rarely seen. Venomous but docile. 90cm. Plain purplish brown with white belly. Nocturnal in back mangroves near mud lobster mounds. Mildly venomous, harmless.      

Paradise tree snake
Chrysopelea paradisi

Oriental whip snake
Ahaetulla prasina

Mangrove pit viper
Cryptelytrops purpureomaculatus

Reticulated python
Python reticulatus
1.2m. Slender, small head. Black 'netting' on yellow or green, head with five yellow bands. An arboreal snake that can 'fly', found in trees and bushes everywhere including in mangroves. Mildy venomous but gentle. 2m. Slender with very long thin tail. Broad head. Fresh green, juveniles yellow to pale brown. An arboreal snake, found in trees and bushes everywhere including in mangroves. Mildy venomous but gentle. 1m. Small, purplish brown with the typical broad triangular head of a viper, large red eyes. An arboreal snake, found in trees and bushes in mangroves. Venomous and aggressive. 5-10m. Powerfully muscled with typical net-like body pattern. Broad head. Commonly seen everywhere, also in trees. Non-venomous but large adults can be dangerous and they can give a nasty lacerating bite with powerful jaws filled with sharp long fangs.  

in red are those listed among the threatened animals of Singapore
from Davison, G.W. H. and P. K. L. Ng and Ho Hua Chew, 2008. The Singapore Red Data Book: Threatened plants and animals of Singapore.

These are NOT snakes

Esturaine moray eel
Gymnothorax tile

Carpet eel-blenny
Congrogadus subducens

Worm eel
Family Ophichthidae

Ribbon worm
Phylum Nemertea

Peanut worm
Phylum Spincula
20-30cm, to 60cm. No pectoral fins, no scales. It is a fish. 10-15cm, to 30cm. Has pectoral fins. Tail is eel-like with the dorsal, anal and tail fins continuous. It is a fish. 10-12cm, to 20cm. Body long and worm-like. No pectoral or tail fins, no scales. The tip of the tail is sharp. It is a fish. Up to 1m long. Soft bodied, these are worms. 5-10cm. Unsegmented worm. Ridges on body like the texture of a peanut shell. It is a worm.

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