
Ketapang or Sea almond
Terminalia catappa
(7-20m). Leaves large (20-30cm), waxy, young leaves may be pinkish
olive. Flowers showy puff (about 10cm) of pink-tipped stamens with
four white petals. Fruits large (8-10cm) squarish. Sometimes seen
on our shores and mangroves. |
or small, straggling tree (5-15m). Leaves large (20-30cm) thin leathery.
Flowers puff of pale pink stamens on a long hanging spike (40-50cm).
Fruit (8cm) egg- or pear-shaped, weakly angled. Rare in the wild,
but now replanted on some coastal parks. It is Critically Endangered. |
Tall tree (4-10m).
Leaves large (9-24cm) oval . Flowers tubular, white in clusters.
Fruits small round (1.5-3cm). Sometimes seen on our shores. Also
planted in our parks.
tree with typical pagoda-shaped growth form. Leaves large spatula-shaped
(10-20cm), turning red and dropping off up to twice a year. Flowers
tiny, white, on long spikes (10-12cm). Fruit almond shaped (4-5cm
long). |
(10-30m). Leaves (8-18cm) shiny with fine parallel veins. Flowers
(about 1cm) white and fragrant, several from a spike. Fruit (2.5-3cm)
smooth, globular. Rare in the wild, but now replanted in some coastal
parks. It is Critically Endangered. |
(to 15m). Leaves (12-30cm) oval, dark green and glossy. Flowers (5cm)
white with pink centre. Fruits (5-7cm) mango-shaped. Rare in the wild,
planted on St. John's. It is Critically Endangered. |
(to 15m). Leaves (12-30cm) oval, dark green and glossy. Flowers (5cm)
white with yellow centre. Fruits (5-7cm) globular. Common wayside
tree and also wild on some shores. |
shrub to shrubby tree (to 6m). Leaves (15-35cm). Flower yellow (8-10cm),
several on a long stalk. Fruit capsule splits open into a pink star
displaying purple seeds with a fleshy bright red aril. Common on wastelands
including those near shores. |
tree (to 30m). Leaves shiny, leathery (12-18cm) with distinctly downturned
tip. Flowers white pom-pom like. Fruits oblong to spherical (1.5-4cm).
Common road side tree. |
shrub or epiphyte. Leaves leathery, large (25-35cm), a pair of 'ears'
(auricles) at base of leaf stalk. Leaves opposite, appear at tips
of thick twigs. Flowers creamy yellow and fleshy, tubular with long
corolla (30cm) and large petals (to 30cm across). Rare. Seen on rocky
cliffs of some offshore islands. |