Sea star

Brittle star

Sea cucumber
Shapes and spines
Let's see how the various types of echinoderms shape up!
Sea stars usually have five arms. They have short or tiny spines.
Sea stars belong to Subclass
A cushion star is a roundish sea star with very short arms.
Imagine a round cushion star with spines which may be long or thick.
This is what a sea urchin looks like! The round body of a sea urchin
can also be divided into five parts.
A flattened sea urchin with short spines is a sand dollar! It can
still be divided into five parts. A relative of the sea urchin called
a heart urchin is more egg-shaped with longer spines. It usually burrows
in the sand and is rarely seen above ground. Sea
urchins, sand dollars
and heart urchins
belong to Class Echinoidea.
Imagine a sea urchin that is long like a sausage without any obvious
spines and you have a sea cucumber! It too can be divided into five
parts. Sea cucumbers
belong to Class Holothuroidea.
A brittle star is like a sea star with long and skinny arms. Brittle
stars belong to Subclass Ophiuroidea.
A feather star is like a brittle star with many more arms. Instead
of lying flat against the surface, these arms are held up like branches
of a bush to gather food from the water. Feathers
stars belong to the Class Crinoidea.
All these creatures are echinoderms and belong to the Phylum Echinodermata.

Cushion star
Sea urchin

Heart urchin