talking points for nature guides
echinoderms text index | photo index
Phylum Echinodermata
Photo index of echinoderms on Singapore shores

Arms many, long feathery
feather stars
Arms five, long bristley
brittle stars
Arms 5-8, short

small <10cm

> 10cm
Hard flat, coin-like
sand dollars
Hard spherical, spiny
sea urchins, heart urchins
Soft round or long
sea cucumbers
short <10cm
Soft round or long
sea cucumbers
long >10cm

These are NOT echinoderms

Sea anemone
Phylum Cnidaria

Phylum Annelida

Peacock anemone
Phylum Cnidaria

Flowery sea pen
Phylum Cnidaria

Peanut worm
Phylum Spincula

how to tell apart

photo index of
echinoderms on this site
Phylum Echinodermata
all echinoderms

With arms

  many, feathery
feather stars

five, bristley
brittle stars

sea stars
small <10cm
large >10cm

  flat, coin-like
sand dollars

spherical, spiny
sea urchins
heart urchins


  sea cucumbers
short <10cm
long >10cm
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