Subclass Ophiuroidea
Apr 2020
if you
learn only 3 things about them ...
Super stars of the echinoderms: they are the largest group
of echinoderms, fastest moving, most nervous--falling
apart easily.
Although numerous, they are shy and seldom seen.
live inside sponges and on other animals. |
seen? Brittle stars are the most common echinoderms on our shores but are
rarely seen as they shun the light and are more active at night. Often,
all that can be seen of a brittle star are its skinny, spiny arms!
Ones with longer arms may be seen hiding among coral rubble. Tiny
ones shelter under rocks, beneath the sand and in even on other animals
such as sponges.
What are brittle stars? Brittle
stars belong to Phylum Echinodermata and Subclass Ophiuroidea which has about 2,100 known species. This
makes Ophiuroidea the largest group of echinoderms. About 300 brittle
star species are found in shallow tropical waters.
Basket case: Included in Class
Ophiuroidea are the basket stars (Suborder
Euryalina) that have branched arms and thus appear basket-like. Large
ones are generally found in deeper water, although small ones have
been encountered on the intertidal.
Features: Brittle stars are related
to sea stars but belong to a different class and have somewhat different
features and habits. Like other echinoderms, brittle stars are symmetrical
along five axes, have spiny skin and tube feet.
An armful: A brittle star is almost all arms. Its central
disk is usually only a few centimeters wide while its thin, flexible
arms can be very long. The arms are made up of large, well developed
ossicles (plates made mostly of calcium carbonate). The ossicles are
connected together like a vertebrate with ball-and-socket joints.
A brittle star lengthens its arms by adding ossicles where the arm
joins the central disk.
Sometimes confused with bristleworms.
Here's more on how to tell them
apart. Feather stars may also appear similar but they usually have 10 or more arms.
What do they eat? Many brittle
stars feed on detritus, using their arms to gather this from the surface
or to filter these out of the water. Unlike sea stars, a brittle star
doesn't have a groove on the underside of its arms.
Brittle stars have only one opening on their underside that functions
as both a mouth and anus! Unlike sea stars, the digestive system of
brittle stars doesn't extend into their arms. A brittle star's mouth
is surrounded by jaws made up of a circle of five large toothed plates
that meet in the middle. Unlike sea urchins, the jaws cannot be extended
Tiny tube feet emerge from holes between the ossicles in the arms.
These may 'wipe off' food particles stuck on the hooked or mucous-coated
spines, or collect particles off the surface, and pass these on to
the central mouth. Other brittle stars are carnivores that use their
arms to sweep tiny creatures to their mouths. Yet others are scavengers,
nibbling on their food with their jaws or using the tube feet near
their mouth. Some brittle stars use their tube feet to sense chemicals
released by their food.

Often all that is seen of a brittle star are
its arms sticking out of a hiding place.
Changi, Jan 04 |

Underside of a Blue lined brittle
Chek Jawa, Aug 05 |

Close up of tubefeet on arms
Pulau Sekudu, Jun 06 |
Falling apart: As its name suggests,
a brittle star has a tendency to fall apart. It may purposely throw
off an arm when threatened. So please don't handle brittle stars.
The dropped arm may continue to wriggle to distract the predator while
the brittle star escapes. The brittle star is able to do this because
the ossicles in its arms are connected by mutable connective tissue.
The brittle star can rapidly change the consistency of this tissue
from rock hard to almost liquid. The arm eventually re-grows, but
it can take months before it is fully restored.
Brittle star babies: Most brittle
stars have separate genders and are usually either male or female.
Sperm or eggs are stored in pouch-like chambers in the central disk.
These are usually released simultaneously into the water. This usually
happens at night. Some spawning brittle stars assume a push-up posture,
raising the central disk into the water currents by standing on the
tips of their arms.
Brittle stars undergo metamorphosis and their larvae look nothing
like their adults. The form that first hatches from the eggs are bilaterally
symmetrical and free-swimming, drifting with the plankton. They eventually
settle down and develop into tiny brittle stars. Some brittle stars
brood their eggs. |
Star-spangled sponges: Tiny brittle
stars (1-2cm with arms) often live inside sponges.
Look closely at the holes of a sponge and you might see their little
arms sticking out. They may also be found living with corals and even
other echinoderms. One tiny brittle star Ophiosphaera insignis lives near the mouth of the sea urchin Diadema setosum. Here,
the brittle star finds safety and food that is gathered by the sea
urchin. Another tiny brittle star Ophiomaza
cacaotica shelters near the mouth of feather
stars. Yet others cling to the branches of gorgonians.
Stars come out at night: Brittle
stars are plentiful but seldom seen. They have many predators, so
brittle stars usually only come out at night. Creatures that snack
on brittle stars include fish, crabs, hermit crabs, mantis shrimp
and even sea stars and other brittle stars. |
Speedy stars: Brittle stars are the fastest-moving echinoderms!
While sea stars use their tube feet to move slowly, brittle stars
use their highly flexible, spiny arms instead. Their arms move in
a snaky manner, 'Ophiuroidea' means 'snake-like'.
To move, a brittle star generally gets a grip on something with one
or two spiny arms. These then pull while the remaining arms push or
trail behind. Some brittle stars may also 'swim' by vigorously rowing
their highly flexible arms, similar to the breast-stroke!
Human uses: Brittle stars are
not used for human purposes. |
stars on Singapore shores |
Other unidentified brittle
stars on Singapore shores |

Beting Bemban Besar, Jul 20
Photo shared by Vincent Choo on facebook.
Ophiuroidea recorded for Singapore
Fujita T. & Irimura S. Preliminary list of ophiuroids (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) collected from the Johor Straits,
in red are those listed among the threatened
animals of Singapore from Davison, G.W. H. and P. K. L. Ng
and Ho Hua Chew, 2008. The Singapore Red Data Book: Threatened
plants and animals of Singapore.
**from WORMS.
stars seen awaiting identification
Brittle stars can
only be positively identified from microscopic examination of
their internal parts and are thus difficult to distinguish in
the field. On this website, unidentified brittle stars seen
are grouped by general colour and pattern for convenience of
display. |
Amphioplus (Amphioplus) lucidus
Amphioplus (Lymanella) andreae
Amphioplus (Lymanella) depressus
Amphipholis misera
Amphiura (Amphiura) duncani
Amphiura (Amphiura) instans
Amphiura (Ophiopeltis) phalerata
Dougaloplus echinatus
Ophiocentrus dilatata
Ophiosphaera insignis |
Ophiactis delagoa
Ophiactis macrolepidota
Ophiactis modesta
savignyi [=Ophiactis versicolor, Ophiactis maculosa] (Tiny in-a-sponge brittle star)
Ophiactis picteti [= Ophiactis sinensis] |
Ophiopsila pantherina
Ophiopsila sp. |
Ophioconis permixta
Ophiodyscrita instrata |
Ophiolepis cincta cincta
Ophiolepis nodosa
Ophiolepis superba |
Macrophiothrix demessa
Macrophiothrix fumaria= Ophiothrix (Placophiothrix) fumaria
Macrophiothrix galatheae
Macrophiothrix hybrida=Ophiothrix (Placophiothrix) lineocaerulea (Blue-lined brittle star)
Macrophiothrix longipeda=Ophiothrix longipeda (Very long-armed brittle star)
Macrophiothrix lorioli
Macrophiothrix melanosticta=Ophiothrix (Placophiothrix) melanosticta
Macrophiothrix nereidina=Ophiothrix (Keystonia) nereidina (Violet brittle star)
Macrophiothrix propinqua=Ophiothrix propinqua
Macrophiothrix robillardi
Ophiocnemis marmorata
Ophiomaza cacaotica (Feather-hitching brittle star)
Ophiothela danae (Tiny colourful brittle star)
Ophiothela venusta
Ophiothrix sp (Upsidedown brittle star)
Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) leucotrigona
Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) spinosissima
Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) ciliaris
Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) exigua
Ophiothrix (Ophiothrix) miles
Ophiothrix sp. |
Ophiura pteracantha |
Euryale aspersa (DD:
EN? Data deficient, possibly Endangered) |
- T. Fujita. 29 June 2016. Brittle stars of Ophiodermatidae and Ophiolepididae (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiurida: Ophiurina) collected from the Singapore Strait. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2016 Supplement No. 34 (Part I of II) Pp. 619-626.
- Fujita T. & Irimura S. Preliminary list of ophiuroids (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) collected from the Johor Straits, Singapore. 10 July 2015. The Comprehensive Marine Biodiversity Survey: Johor Straits International Workshop (2012) The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 31, Pp. 264-272.
- T. Fujita. 29 June 2016. Brittle stars of Ophiodermatidae and Ophiolepididae (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea: Ophiurida: Ophiurina) collected from the Singapore Strait. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 34: 619–626 Pp. 619-626. [pdf]
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