Junceella sp.*
Family Ellisellidae
updated Dec 2019
seen? This long unbranched colony is
sometimes seen on our Northern shores, on coral rubble.
Features: 20-30cm long. Stem cylindrical
and unbranched and has bumps all around. Small transparent to white
polyps emerge from these bumps when the colony is submerged. Usually
white, but sometimes yellow ones are seen.
According to Fabricius, in some species, the tip of the colony can
detach to fall to the sea floor and grow up as a new sea whip.
A long unbranched colony of Asparagus sea
fan may resemble a sea whip. Another species that has a long unbranched
whip-like form is Viminella sp. |

Beting Bronok, Jul 03


Beting Bronok, Jun 04


Tuas, Apr 05

are difficult to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, they are grouped by external
features for convenience of display.
whips on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |

Chek Jawa, Jun 21
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on facebook. |

East Coast Park (B), Jun 21
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on facebook. |

Kusu Island, Jun 24
Photo shared by Kelvin Yong on facebook. |
Sentosa Serapong, May 24
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on facebook. |
- Fabricius,
Katharina and Philip Alderslade, 2001. Soft
Corals and Sea Fans.
Australian Institute of Marine Science and the Museum and Art
Gallery of the Northern Territoriy. 264 pp.
- Goh, N.K.C.
and Chou, L.M. 20 December 1996. An
annotated checklist of the gorgonians (Anthozoa: Octocorallia)
of Singapore, with a discussion of gorgonian diversity in the
Indo-West Pacific. Raffles
Museum Bulletin of Zoology Pp. 435-459.