sea fan
Dichotella cf. gemmacea*
Family Ellisellidae
updated Dec 2019
seen? This sparsely branched brightly coloured sea fan
is often seen on Beting Bronok and sometimes at Changi, on rubble
and rocks.
Features: 15-20cm long. The colony
comprises a cluster of a few cylingrical stems that are generally
unbranched except near the base. Polyps with white transparent tentacles.
When they retract, the base of the polyps curve to form smooth bumps
so the stem resembles asparagus. Usually bright red, but sometimes
also white, yellowish or orange.
There are also long unbranched sea whips that
look like asparagus sea fans. |
Beting Bronok,
Jul 05

Beting Bronok,
Jun 04


Beting Bronok,
May 03

are difficult to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, they are grouped by external
features for convenience of display.
sea fans on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |

Pulau Ubin, Jul 24
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on facebook.

Changi, Aug 19
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on facebook. |

Changi-Loyang, Jul 20
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on facebook. |

Changi Loyang, Jun 23
Photo shared by Richard Kuah on facebook.

Pulau Sekudu, Jun 22
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on facebook. |
- Fabricius,
Katharina and Philip Alderslade, 2001. Soft
Corals and Sea Fans.
Australian Institute of Marine Science and the Museum and Art
Gallery of the Northern Territoriy. 264 pp.
- Goh, N.K.C.
and Chou, L.M. 20 December 1996. An
annotated checklist of the gorgonians (Anthozoa: Octocorallia)
of Singapore, with a discussion of gorgonian diversity in the
Indo-West Pacific. Raffles
Museum Bulletin of Zoology Pp. 435-459.