Seagrass Transect 2006
July 06 |
the transect
are we trying achieve?
As with our past shore surveys the aims
of this transect are
- To gather
scientific data about our seagrasses that can
- be published
and made available to the scientific community. This data
will also be published online; and
- be useful
to understanding our shores and contribute to their conservation
and management;
- To provide
ordinary people an opportunity to be a part of such efforts, and
to learn first-hand about our very own shores
The scientific
approach for this seagrass transect has been drawn up by Siti
Maryam Yaakub. She hopes the data collected will to add to the baseline
data and record of biodiversity of seagrasses in Singapore. Siti's
explorations of our shores has turned up species not recorded for
Singapore! So a closer, scientific survey is always worthwhile.
If this survey is a success, Siti hopes to extend this to other areas
in Singapore.
Siti also hopes to present the findings of this survey at the Seagrass
Conference 2006 in Sep 06. She hopes to change the impression among
many of the world's leading seagrass scientists "that all Singapore's
seagrass has been buried by reclamation and that all the "good stuff"
is in Malaysia." Siti made a similar presentation about our seagrasses
in the same conference in 2004, here is a poster
of her presentation (PDF 200K)
Who will be involved?
40 volunteers will be needed to conduct this transect. Sign
up to volunteer for this transect! All are welcomed.
What will we be doing?
Seagrass transect led by Ms Siti Maryam Yaakub who will develop
and implement transect methods, data collection and analysis; as well
as conduct the orientation programme for volunteers. More
about the scientific aims, methods and objectives.
Coastal plants survey led by Mr Joseph
Lai. Here is the result of his survey on his www.eart-h.com
The GIS team led by Prof Teh Tiong Sa and including Dr Durairaju
Kumaran Raju and Ms Yap Hui Boon will be conducting a GIS survey of
the shore.
will document the event.
Kind support has also been provided by NParks.
What happens at a transect?
Lots of hard work, but also lots of fun. Learn lots of new things
about our shores. Meet old friends, make new ones. And everyone
makes a difference for the shores. Here are photos and results of
past transects on Semakau and
Chek Jawa.
Why 15 Jul (Sat)?
It is the only weekend this year with a tide that is low enough for
long enough during daylight hours. So it's a very special day!
What has happened? on the wildfilms blog
for the transect: Siti, Ria, Shoop and Peter check it out
to prepare for the transect: Volunteers gather to prepare!
Seagrass Transect Day! 40 volunteers turned up to make this possible.
Some results so far
Results of the coastal
plants survey done by Mr Joseph Lai has been posted on his www.eart-h.com
GIS map of the shore
done by Dr Durairaju Kumaran Raju during the transect has been posted.
Preliminary list of seaweeds and marine plants
and animals seen on this shore in past
surveys is also now online.
Feedback from participants (WinWord
doc). |