25 Nov 05
A Wide Range of Endangered Animals Given Conservation Boost
28 Nov 05
Sharks, Warblers, Deer on Endangered Species
Story by Nita Bhalla
NAIROBI - The world's second largest shark, a bird found in the Garden
of Eden and Central Asia's only true deer were among 11 new species given
the title of "endangered" by countries around the world on Friday.
Around 95 countries, members of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS),
agreed that several birds and mammals faced increasing threats to their
survival and needed more protection.
"The 11 species will join a listing of around 107 migratory animals which
are considered endangered and thereby given special status by all member
states," Marco Barbieri, CMS scientific officer, told journalists. "This
means countries will need to take concerted action to protect the species,
such as conservation projects and protection measures," he said at the
end of a CMS conference in the Kenyan capital.
The CMS, a treaty signed under the aegis of the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP), says migratory species are considered more vulnerable
than others because of their patterns of regular movement across borders
and countries.
UN wildlife experts say the Basking Shark, which can reach 10 metres in
length, is found in the continental shelves of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific
Oceans and the Mediterranean and is often caught in fishing nets or collides
with boats in shallow waters.
The Basra Reed Warbler, a small brown and white bird which breeds in the
Mesopotamian marshlands of southern Iraq, thought to be the original Garden
of Eden, is also on the list. Experts say the warbler's numbers have dwindled
in Iraq because of heavy drainage of the marshlands under Saddam Hussein's
rule. The global population is believed to be between 2,500 and 10,000.
Another species to be given special status is the Bukhara deer, which
inhabits central Asia's arid zones, migrating across countries like Tajikistan
and Uzbekistan. Threatened by habitat destruction and possibly pesticide
contamination, the Bukhara deer population is around 800 to 900.
Other species which made the endangered listing are Henderson's Petrel,
a sea bird, the Malagasy Pond Heron, the Red Knot bird, the Balearic Sheerwater
bird, the Spotted Ground Thrush and the Short-Beaked Common Dolphin.
25 Nov 05
A Wide Range of Endangered Animals Given Conservation Boost
Tyrant Birds and African Bats up to the Basking Shark and the Short-Beaked
Dolphin Given Conservation Boost
Governments Also Call for Knowledge Gaps on Avian Flu and Wild Birds to
be Bridged
Nairobi/Bonn: A wide range of curious and charismatic animals have today
been given a big conservation boost at the end of an international wildlife
meeting being held in the Kenyan capital Nairobi.
They include the Mediterranean population of the Short-beaked common dolphin;
Henderson�s petrel; the Basra reed warbler; the Large-eared free-tailed
bat or Giant mastiff bat; the Strange-tailed tyrant; the Basking Shark
and the Saffron-cowled blackbird.
The decisions were taken at the close of the eight conference of the parties
to the United Nations Environment Programme�s Convention on Migratory
Species (UNEP/CMS).
Governments and delegates also backed a seven point plan to improve knowledge
and understanding of avian flu as it relates to wild migratory birds.
Earlier in the week it was announced that the CMS in collaboration with
others and with support from UNEP would be establishing an �early warning
system� for avian flu. The system is aimed at giving, especially for developing
countries, improved information including maps on the migration routes
of wild waterbirds.
Today�s end of conference decision calls for close collaboration between
scientists, conservationists, agriculturalists, veterinarians and public
health experts to unravel key mysteries.
These include the length of time the virus can survive in wetland habitats
up to the question of whether infected birds are even capable of migrating.
Ward Hagemeijer of
Wetlands International and a member of the Scientific Task Force on Avian
Influenza, said: �Better biosecurity in the rearing, movement and trade
in poultry and captive birds remains the key concern. Although recent
cases seem to suggest that migratory wild birds are somehow involved in
spreading the virus over large distances, so far there is no solid evidence
that they are significant vectors�.
�However we do know that they are victims and that this disease can pose
a threat to populations already under pressure. We need urgent research
into what the role of wild birds might be now and in the future, in order
to be able to contribute to and complement the important work that the
World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the
UN and the World Organisation for Animal Health are doing,� he added.
John O�Sullivan of BirdLife International and another member of the Task
Force, added: �A good understanding of the routes, patterns and timing
of migration is vital not only for disease control but also for conservation.
The role of wild birds in the present outbreak of highly pathogenic avian
flu is far from clear, and may be minimal. A better global monitoring
system is badly needed to help assess the risk of future outbreaks that
could impact migratory birds, or be carried by them and to deal effectively
with any cases that occur.�
Other important decision concluded this week include the budget for the
CMS to finance its work over the coming years, new agreements or Memorandums
of Understanding between countries on West Africa�s elephants and the
Saiga antelope of Central Asia aimed at catalyzing cross border conservation
By-catch, in which animals like dolphins become entangled in fish nets,
has also been addressed with the CMS to build cooperative bridges between
the convention and regional fisheries bodies in order to reduce the problem.
An initiative on the conservation of migratory birds of prey and owls
found in Africa and Eurasia led by the Government of the United Kingdom
was also given backing.
Studies presented to the conference indicate that 60 per cent of these
birds, which include vultures, eagles and kites, are threatened with extinction
as a result of issues such as shooting, and deliberate or accidental poisoning.
Today the UK announced it was giving 100,000 British Pounds towards a
meeting where governments will meet to thrash out the next steps towards
better conservation.
A delighted Robert Hepworth, Executive Secretary of the CMS, said: �Governments,
scientists and our partner bodies, such as the World Conservation Union,
have demonstrated their commitment to CMS this week. Hundreds of threatened
species throughout the world all gain from the scientific and practical
support we can now offer, especially in developing countries over the
next three years. This was my first Conference as the Executive Secretary,
I believe we are now properly on �the move to 2010.�
Klaus Toepfer, UNEP�s Executive Director added: �If we are to meet the
targets and timetable of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development,
which call for the rate of loss of biodiversity to be reduced by 2010,
we must conserve wildlife both within and across borders. This week�s
conference is proof positive that this is increasingly understood by the
global community�.
New Listings Species under the convention are listed as Appendix I or
Appendix II. Those given the former are endangered species. Measures that
should be undertaken by relevant governments include improving habitats
and breeding sites and removing obstacles to their migration.
The latter listing calls on nations to establish regional agreements,
such as memorandums of understanding, to conserve the species. (see notes
to editors for full explanation).
Several species of birds have been given listings and additional protection
at this week�s conference. Henderson�s Petrel is a sea bird known to breed
only on Henderson island in the UK Overseas Territory of Pitcairn. It
has been given Appendix I status. The bird is threatened by rats and possibly
predation by crabs. Breeding success is low with less than 20 per cent
of eggs yielding fledglings.
The listing is expected to lead to closer cooperation between France and
UK. A similar-looking bird is also found on other islands in the region
which are part of French Polynesia which may prove to be the same species.
Joint measures may include rat eradication on the islands concerned.
The Madagascar Squacco Heron or Malagasy Pond-heron, which migrates between
Madagascar and countries like the Deomcratic Republic of Congo, Kenya
and Uganda, has been given Appendix I listing. Its population is down
to between 2,000 and 6,000 birds. It is threatened by habitat degradation
and exploitation of eggs and young at breeding grounds.
The Red Knot, a bird which migrates between places like Southampton Island,
Canada, and Tierra del Fuego and Argentine Patagonia in Latin America,
has been included on Appendix I. Habitat destruction as a result of tourism
and unplanned developments is a key threat. Drastic reductions in population
have been recorded at core sites in Tierra del Fuego. It has disappeared
from wintering areas in Patagonia.
The Basra Reed Warbler has also been added to Appendix I. The population
is believed to be declining and is down to between 2,500 and 10,000 individuals.
The species breeds in places like the Mesopotamian marshlands of Iraq,
an area that was heavily drained under the previous Iraqi regime. The
warbler migrates to countries including south east Kenya, Sudan, south
Somalia, east Tanzania and Mozambique. At the Ngulia ringing station in
Kenya, studies indicate that the birds numbers may have fallen by between
70 per cent and 80 per cent since the 1970s.
The Balearic Sheerwater, a seabird whose world breeding population is
around 2,000 pairs, has been included in Appendix I. It breeds on Spanish
islands like Mallorca, Ibiza and Formentera in caves and cavities in coastal
cliffs. The species migrates towards the Gulf of Biscay with some birds
traveling to North African waters and as far as southern Scandinavia and
South Africa. Threats include predation by introduced cats, rats and small-spotted
genets and, while at sea, pollution.
The Spotted Ground Thrush, whose population is estimated at just 1,000
to 2,500 individuals, has also been given Appendix I listing. Two migratory
races are known to exist. One that moves between places like the Arabuko-Sokoke
forest in Kenya and Tanzania, possibly Mozambique. Another in South Africa
that migrates between places like Natal and Transkei and the Transvaal.
Habitat destruction of its forest homes is the main threat. The bird is
a night migrant and may be affected by collisions with lighted buildings.
Birds which have been given Appendix II listing include the Rock Pratincole,
a bird of possibly some 25,000 individuals that migrates across west and
central Africa that is threatened by issues like sand mining on rivers;
the African Skimmer, found in west and central Africa and east and southern
Africa which is threatened by human and cattle disturbance; the Strange-tailed
Tyrant, occurring in Paraguay and northern Argentina that is believed
to have suffered catastrophic losses in Brazil. Others are the Cock-tailed
Tyrant, found across a wide range including north and east Bolivia, southern
Brazil, eastern Paraguay and northern Argentina whose tall grassland habitat
is threatened by agricultural development; the Chestnut Seedeater, another
south American bird; the Gray and Chestnut Seedeater; the Marsh Seedeater
and Saffron-cowled blackbird found in south eastern Paraguay, Argentina
and Uruguay. Its population is believed to have declined by over 30 per
cent in the past decade.
Several mammals have been listed today including the Mediterranean population
of the short-beaked common dolphin which has been placed on Appendix I
and Appendix II. Its migration patterns are not well understood but animals
are thought to move across the Gibraltar Straits and possibly through
the Turkish Straits system. Precise numbers are also unknown but it is
believed that number are declining as a result of impacts such as by-catch
in fishing nets.
The Bukhara Deer, central Asia�s only true deer inhabiting the regions�s
arid zones, has also been added to Appendix I and Appendix II. It migrates
across the borders of countries including, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
The population was estimated to be as low as 350 animals in 1995. Targeted
conservation by groups like the World Wide Fund for Nature have brought
numbers up to 800 to 900. Poaching on migrations is the key threat with
others including habitat destruction and possibly pesticide contamination
from cotton fields.
Gorillas have also been out on Appendix I. These include the eastern lowland,
western lowland and mountain gorillas. The animals are threatened by issues
such as habitat degradation and killing for bushmeat along with civil
wars and unrest.
The Basking Shark, the world�s second largest shark which grows up to
10 metres in length, has also secured Appendix I and II listing. This
giant filter feeder is found in areas such as the continental shelves
of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific oceans and the Mediterranean Sea. The
global population is unknown but it is thought that between 80,000 and
106,000 animals have been taken from the whole of the north east Atlantic
in the past half century. The animals are believed to highly migratory.
A recent tagging study by the UK government found that the basking sharks
moved around the north east Atlantic into waters off France, Ireland,
England and Wales and northwards into Scottish waters. Basking sharks
in American waters are now know to migrate into Canadian and Caribbean
waters. Threats centre on by-catch and direct catches of the animals.
Because they often congregate in bays and shallow waters, they are also
at risk from collisions with vessels. Indeed collisions may be frequent
as scarring is often seen on these sharks. Global warming, affecting their
food source of plankton, may be an emerging threat.
The African populations of three species of bat have also been listed
under Appendix II. The Natal Clinging bat or Schreiber�s bent-winged bat
is found in countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo and South
Africa. The bats migrate seasonally and are threatened by habitat degradation
as result of agricultural development, mining and tourism. Migration routes
can be affected by war and bats are sometimes killed for food and other
uses including the exploitation of acoustic membranes for making drums.
Also added to Appendix II is the Large-eared free-tailed bat or giant
mastiff bat. It is widely distributed between eastern Africa from Ethiopia
to South Africa. Colonies may number a few dozen, such as in houses in
South Africa, up to several hundred. Two lava tube sites in Kenya-- at
Mount Suswa in the Rift Valley and at Ithundu in the Chyulu Hills�have
been recorded with more than a 1,000 bats. Recent surveys there have found
that the bats have all but disappeared with only 17 found at Ithundu.
There is no direct evidence of migration but suspicions that some may
migrate between Kenya and Tanzania. Threats include disturbance and changes
to the microclimate of lava tube sites as a result of, for example, guano
digging, tourism and the blocking of entrances.
The third bat listed under Appendix II is the Straw-coloured fruit bat.
It is widespread across Africa including on the Gulf of Guinea islands
and Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia off Tanzania. A colony in Kampala was estimated
in the 1960s to number about one million. But numbers have declined and
the animals are treated as a nuisance leading to the removal of roosting
trees and poisoning programmes. The same situation has occurred in Lome,
More information on the Scientific Task Force on Avian flu and other resources
can be found at http://www.cms.int/taskforce/ai and http://www.wetlands.org
and http://www.fao.org
Related articles on Global issues: biodiversity
and Bird Flu |