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Day, 7 Feb 05 UNEP Boss Laments Loss of Biodiversity By Dan Ede Lagos "Time after time, we have been told by scientists that we face an extinction crisis not seen since the dinosaurs. And we are losing the productivity of forests, agricultural systems and of the seas through degradation and breakdown of biological systems". This observation was made by Mr. Klaus Toepfer, UNEP Executive Director, at the opening of the Paris International Scientific Conference on Biodiversity, Science and Governance, held recently in Paris, the French capital. Toepfer said that for the last quarter of a century, it had become increasingly clear that this loss of diversity and productivity would have a major impact on the development of humankind. "Our children and their children will ask why we have allowed this to happen", he said. "The Millennium Development Goals call for halving of poverty, eradication of hunger, control of diseases, provision of clean water and many other basic human needs. The recent report of the Millennium Project has shown that we have a long way to go in achieving these goals. "What is becoming increasingly clear is that these goals will not be achieved without the basic biological and ecosystem functions that create soils, manage watersheds and provide the diversity of species of medicinal and nutritional value to us. We should not under-estimate the impact that the loss of biodiversity will have on humanity", Toepfer warned. He also said there was growing evidence from the recent tsunami disaster that coastal ecosystems such as coral reefs and mangrove forests could help to reduce the impact of such terrible events. "When we strip away these natural forms of protection, we place ourselves and our people in harm's way", he noted. Toepfer remarked that since the signing of the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1992, and its near-universal ratification, the international community had agreed progrommes of action. "The convention has had its successes, particularly in tackling complex issues in international relations and regulations, such as the management of biotechnology, and the agreement of guidelines for access and benefit-sharing. "But the fundamental problem of biodiversity loss has not been resolved. At the same time as we have agreed on how to control cross-boundary movement of biodiversity and how to share the wealth that can arise from biological resources, the basic resources itself has continued to decline", he observed. At the World Summit on Sustainable Development, nations committed to 2010 as the target date for a significant reduction in the rate of loss of biological diversity. "This political target must be translated into practical and achievable objectives backed up by strong science and effective governance mechanisms. "If we fail to demonstrate measurable success by 2010, political commitment will be undermined; public interest will be lost; investment in biodiversity research and management will be reduced; environmental institutions will be weakened. This is why we should not under-estimate the importance of this conference in charting the way forward", Toepfer warned. He said that since the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was created in 1972, it had focused on preparation of international instruments to bring all nations together in addressing shared environmental problems in the seas, on land and in the atmosphere. But, with some notable exceptions such as the Montreal Protocol, these instruments all share the same problem of weak implementation. "UNEP's Governing Council has debated this problem in recent years and concluded that environmental progress is hampered by the weak science base and fragmented institutional structures for international environmental governance", he disclosed. Toepfer also hailed a report from the Millennium Project as a milestone in underlining the vital link between environment and defeating poverty. The project, commissioned by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, has developed a global plan on how the world can, by 2015, meet the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs targets range from halving extreme hunger and achieving universal primary education to reducing maternal mortality by three quarters and reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other major diseases. Findings from the Project's environment report, one of ten being issued, were outlined recently by Shafqat Kakakhel, UNEP's Deputy Executive Director, at a press conference in Kenya. "It is appropriate to discuss these findings here in Kenya. Kenya not only hosts the world headquarters of UNEP, but is one of a handful of pilot countries where action to deliver the Millennium Development is being tested. The new report concludes that environmental sustainability is a critical foundation for ending poverty," he said. Indeed the task force charged with addressing Millennium Development Goal 7, which specifically relates to the environment, argues that without a healthy and secure environment many of the other goals will be tough to achieve. "A considerable body of scientific data points to environmental degradation-the erosion of genetic diversity, the loss of species, the degradation of ecosystems, and the decline of ecosystem services-as a direct cause of many of the most pressing issues we face today, including poverty, declining human health, hunger, undrinkable water, emerging diseases, rural-urban migration and civil strife," says the report, entitled 'Environment and Human Well-Being: A Practical Strategy'. Mr. Toepfer said: "The environment has for too long been the poor relation to economic growth. Conserving the environment, be it rivers and lakes, forests, the atmosphere or the oceans, has all too often been seen as a luxury which is only addressed when all other issues have been resolved. But this very welcome report makes it clear that real, long lasting and secure development can only be achieved if the environment is put at the centre of decision-making". He said the earth's life support systems, worth trillions of dollars a year, were being denuded, degraded and damaged often without a thought to the value and services they provide for current and future generations. "A wetland area may be on the one hand a wonderful watering hole for hippos and elephants and resting and feeding area for birds. But it is also a vital water storage and flood control system as well as a natural, low cost, purifier of polluting agricultural and human wastes," he explained. "The same goes for forests. These are not only beautiful places in which to walk and reflect. They supply wood for shelter and fuel, natural medicines and food for local people, soak up carbon from the air and harbour a wealth of genetic materials that may prove crucial to current and future science. The same arguments can be made for coral reefs and mangroves, for flower meadows and mountains, for peatlands and tundras," said Mr. Toepfer. He continued: "Our motto for three years has been environment for development. The report points out that, although many of these nature-based services are free, they are worth trillions of dollars a year. Therefore investments in conservation and anti-pollution measures are not frivolous luxuries, they are critical for the survival of our species, the planet upon which we depend and the health and prosperity of its six billion inhabitants". He said the report's findings would enrich discussions and decisions taken by environment ministers at UNEP's upcoming Governing Council taking place in Nairobi between February 21 and 25, 2005. These will in turn be part of UNEP's submissions to a high-level summit of the UN General Assembly on the goals taking place in New York in September this year. The Millennium Project's environment report makes a series of key recommendations on how to reverse the loss of forests and plant and animal species and restore healthy land, air and water in order to meet the goals and the World Summit on Sustainable Development's (WSSD) Plan of Implementation drawn up three years ago in Johannesburg, South Africa. These include: training and strengthening of the staff, government departments and agencies charged with environmental affairs; tackling subsidies and market distortions that promote environmentally damaging activities such as over-fishing; investments in cost effective and environmentally sound energy and transport technologies Others are ensuring better access for developing countries to scientific and technical knowledge and mechanisms to promaote environmentally beneficial innovation; boosting the efficient use of water in agriculture, the most water thirsty industry in the world, and setting and enforcing pollution reduction targets for groundwaters and rivers; as well as establishing a network of marine protected areas, as outlined in the WSSD Plan of Implementation, as one way of improving the prospects for fish stocks. links Related articles on Global issues: global warming issues, policies Related articles on Global issues: biodiversity biodiversity loss, extinction threats, commercial applications of biodiversity Related articles on Global issues: tsunami and the environment Media and other articles discussing the role of mangroves and coral reefs in mitigating the effect and the impact on the natural environment and the people that depend on them. |
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