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worms in general
Photo index of marine worms on Singapore shores
Typical worm shaped and smooth

Acorn worm
Phylum Hemichordata
Class Enteropneusta

Peanut worm
Phylum Sipuncula

Spoon worm
Class Echiura
Phylum Annelida

Spaghetti worms
Family Cirratulidae
Class Polychaeta
Unsegmented worm. The worm is seldom seen, but its long coiled cast of mud or sand is often seen. Sand bars, sandy areas near seagrasses. Commonly seen on many of our shores. 5-10cm. Unsegmented worm. Ridges on body like the texture of a peanut shell. Soft silty ground, sandy areas, near seagrasses or mangroves. Sometimes seen on some of our shores. 5-10cm. Unsegmented worm. Ridges on body like the texture of a peanut shell. Soft silty ground, sandy areas, near seagrasses or mangroves. Sometimes seen on some of our shores. About 5cm. Segments not distinct, with long tentacles and a pointed head. Silty areas near seagrasses. Sometimes seen on our Northern shores.  

Short ribbon worm
awaiting identification

Phylum Nemertea

Red ribbon worm
awaiting identification
Phylum Nemertea

Pink ribbon worm
awaiting identification
Phylum Nemertea

Two-toned ribbon worm
awaiting identification

Phylum Nemertea

Very long ribbon worm
Baseodiscus delineatus

Phylum Nemertea
10-15cm. Unsegmented worm. White to beige with one blue to black stripe and two black cross-bars on the head. 10-15cm. Unsegmented worm. Uniformly red or orange. 20-50cm. Unsegmented worm. Pink or orange, often the head and tail paler with dark or black tip. 20-30cm. Unsegmented worm. Dark striped on upperside, underside plain and white. 40cm-1m. Unsegmented worm. White to beige with five blue to black stripes. On coral rubble. Sometimes seen on some of our shores.

*Species are difficult to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience of display.

These are NOT worms

Synaptid sea cucumbers
Family Synaptidae

and sea slugs

Worm eel
Family Ophichthidae
5-10cm long, long and skinny, often seen on sponges and ascidians. These are echinoderms. 1-10cm, various shapes, colours and patterns. These are molluscs To about 20cm long. These are fishes.    

how to tell apart smooth worm-like animals
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Typical worms



Feathery worms

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