eeltail catfish
Plotosus lineatus
Family Plotosidae
Sep 2020
if you
learn only 3 things about it ...
Often seen in a group of many fishes, for safety. Don't
break up the group!
The 'whiskers' don't sting. They are used to find food
in murky waters.
has venomous spines. Don't touch it! |
seen? This eel-like fish in pajamas is often seen on many of our shores,
among seagrasses, coral rubble and near reefs. Tiny to small ones often a ball
of many squirming individuals, while larger ones are seen in smaller
groups or alone. Sometimes, larger ones can be seen gasping for air at the opening of a burrow at low tide.
Features: Adults can reach about 30cm long, those seen
on the intertidal range from tiny ones about 1cm, to juveniles about
15cm long. Body long and cylindrical, flattening into an eel-like
tail. Colour black, brown or even maroon. Two or three stripes along
the body. The white or pale yellow stripes are bright in young fishes
and may be faded in old adults.
Sometimes confused with Black
eeltail catfishes (Plotosus canius). The adults of these
two eeltail catfishes may appear similar as the stripes on the Striped
eeltail catfish fades with age. In Black eeltail catfish adults, the
long barbels at the top of the snout can extend past the eyes. In
adult Striped eeltail catfishes, these barbels don't extend past the
Sometimes mistaken for sea
snakes or eels (Family
Muraenidae). Here's more on how
to tell apart sea snakes, eels and eel-like animals. |

(barbels) at the top of the snout
do not extend past the eyes. |

Sentosa, Sep 04 |
Don't touch! It has one venomous serrated
spine on the dorsal fin and on each of the pectoral fins, which can be locked upright. The stings can be excruciating
and long-lasting, in rare cases, may
even be fatal. Like other wild animals, the fish will sting only if provoked.
How to stay safe: Wear covered shoes. Watch your step and walk slowly. Do
not step into murky water. Do not handle the fish, don't put your hand into holes or crevices. |
What does it eat? It forages in
the sand for crustaceans, molluscs, worms and sometimes fishes. It is adapted for hunting
on the sea bottom in murky waters.The 'whiskers' (barbels) around the mouth
do not sting, they help find prey where visibility is poor. The barbels have taste buds
to help sense food. The fish
also has a keen sense of hearing. Also a strong sense of smell, using their 'noses' (nostril-like openings
on the snout). |

Each about 6cm long.
Sentosa, Jun 06

Each about 4cm long.
Kusu Island, Jun 04

Pulau Semakau, Apr 11
Catfish babies: Striped eeltail
catfishes lay eggs that sink to the bottom (demersal eggs). These
hatch into larvae that drift with the plankton before changing into
little catfishes.
Young striped eeltail catfishes are often found swimming together
in a 'ball' of hundreds of fishes, constantly moving but remaining
in a dense ball. Smaller fishes tend to swim in groups of more individuals.
As the fishes get bigger, they are found in smaller groups. Adults
are usually seen alone.
Human uses: Adults are harvested
commercially as a food fish with seine nets on the beach or by trawling
and marketed fresh. They are also popular in the live aquarium trade
although they eat their tankmates, and even one another, as they get
eeltail catfishes on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |

Beting Bronok, Jul 19
shared by Vincent Choo on facebook. |

Berlayar Creek, Oct 17
Photo shared by Abel Yeo on facebook. |

Berlayar Creek, Apr 16
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on flickr. |

Lazarus Island, Nov 20
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on facebook. |

Seringat-Kias, Feb 11 |

Pulau Tekukor, May 10
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on his
blog. |

Sisters Island, May 09
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on his
blog. |
Pulau Hantu,
Apr 21
Photo shared by Nathaniel Soon on facebook. |

Terumbu Pempang Tengah, Apr 13
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on flickr. |

Terumbu Pempang Tengah, May 23
shared by Richard Kuah on facebook. |

Pulau Jong, 19
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on facebook. |

Terumbu Berkas Besar, Jan 10
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on his
flickr. |
- Tan Heok Hui, Zeehan Jaafar & Hennig Seerdof. A large school of striped eel-tail catfish at Changi. 28 February 2019. Singapore Biodiversity Records 2019: 26-27 ISSN 2345-7597. National University of Singapore.
- Wee Y.C.
and Peter K. L. Ng. 1994. A First Look at Biodiversity in Singapore.
National Council on the Environment. 163pp.
- Ng, P. K.
L. & Y. C. Wee, 1994. The
Singapore Red Data Book: Threatened Plants and Animals of Singapore.
The Nature Society (Singapore), Singapore. 343 pp.
- Allen, Gerry,
2000. Marine
Fishes of South-East Asia: A Field Guide for Anglers and Divers.
Periplus Editions. 292 pp.
- Kuiter, Rudie
H. 2002. Guide
to Sea Fishes of Australia: A Comprehensive Reference for Divers
& Fishermen
New Holland Publishers. 434pp.
- Lieske,
Ewald and Robert Myers. 2001. Coral
Reef Fishes of the World
Periplus Editions. 400pp.