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Phylum Chordata > Subphylum Vertebrate > fishes
Photo index of fishes on Singapore shores
Disc-shaped fishes

Copperband butterflyfish
Chelmon rostratus

Kite butterflyfish
Parachaetodon ocellatus

Eightband butterflyfish
Chaetodon octofasciatus
4-8cm. Flat body, 4 orange bands with false eye spot on dorsal fin, pointed snout. Coral rubble. Commonly seen on many of our shores. 4-8cm. Flat body, 4 brown bands with false eye spot on dorsal fin, blunt snout. Coral rubble and seagrass. Sometimes seen on our Northern shores. About 12 cm. Flat body, 8 narrow black bands. Coral reefs. Sometimes seen on our Southern shores.    

Family Triancanthidae

Silver mooney
Monodactylus argenteus

Spotted scat
Scatophagus argus

Spotted archerfish
Toxotes chatareus

Banded archerfish
Toxotes jaculatrix
6-25cm. Body romboid shape, flat, silvery with long, rigid pelvic fins and tail. Among seagrasses. Sometimes seen on our Northern shores. 4-25cm. Flat body rhomboid shape, silvery, juveniles with black bar through eye. Mangroves. Sometimes seen on our Northern shores. 10-30cm. Body rounded rhomboid shape, white to yellowish with dark spots on the sides. Sometimes seen on our Northern shores, especially near mangroves. 10-20cm. Flat body, smaller black spots between the broad black bands. From above, eyes have a golden sheen. Mangroves and jetties. Sometimes seen on our Northern shores. 10-20cm. Flat body, 4-5 broad black vertical bands that taper towards the bottom of the body. Mangroves and jetties. Sometimes seen on our Northern shores.

Fan-bellied filefish
Monacanthus chinensis

Seagrass filefish
Acreichthys tomentosus

Strapweed filefishes Pseudomonacanthus macrurus
5-8cm, to 38cm. Large triangular skin flap on the belly, body with broad oblique bars on the sides, in some these bars may be indistinct. Common on all our shores. To about 7cm. Irregular yellow or white 'smile' on the side. Triangular skin flap on the belly. Body pattern and colour various. Seagrasses. Sometimes seen on our Northern shores. 8-12cm. White stripe along centre of body from gill operning. Coral rubble, living reefs. Sometimes seen on our Southern shores.    

Juvenile sicklefish
Family Drepaneidae

Brown sweetlips
Plectorhinchus gibbosus

Lobotes surinamensis

Juvenile batfish
Family Ephippidae

Feathery filefish
Adults silvery, flat rhomboid. Juvelines brown. Seldom seen. 2-12cm, to 70cm. Body dark greyish brown, lips swollen, tail fin transparent and rounded. Mimicks drifting leaves. Seagrasses and coral rubble. Sometimes seen on many of our shores. 20cm to 1m. Floats head down on its side resembling a leaf. Forehead steeply sloping and humped. Tail fin and the ends of the dorsal and anal fins are rounded and about equal sized. Dark or reddish brown with dark mottles to pale. Seldom seen. Adults silvery and squarish. Juvelines have elongated dorsal and anal fins. Those seen 12-15cm long. Sometimes seen on our Southern shores. 6-10cm, to 31cm. Body circular with thick feathery bits, dark stripes, short bright blue lines. Seagrasses. Sometimes seen on some of our shores.

Bluering angelfish
Pomacanthus annularis

Bluering angelfish
Pomacanthus annularis

Vermiculated angelfish
Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus

Harlequin sweetlips
Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides
About 30cm. Flat body golden brown to orange with diagonal blue lines, a blue ring behind the eye. Tail fin white with bright yellow margin. Juveniles bluish-black with white and blue narrow bars. Seldom seen on the intertidal. Juvenile bluish-black with white and blue narrow bars on the sides. Seldom seen on the intertidal. About 18cm. Flat body oval with yellow tail, blackish, purplish brown rear and dorsal and anal fins, a black bar on the head over the eyes. Juveniles bluish-black with white and blue narrow bars on the sides. Seldom seen on the intertidal.
10cm. Juveniles brown with large white spots. swims head down in a 'drunken' dance. Sometimes seen on our shores.

how to tell apart leaf-like fishes

photo index of
fishes on this site
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typical fish-shape

  small < 5cm
medium 5-10cm
large > 10cm

boxy, stone-like

flattened fishes
flattened downwards
  sting rays

flattened sideways

  eel-, worm-like


odd shaped
living w others
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