Ixora congesta
Family Rubiaceae
Nov 10
Where seen? This large shrub is seen in forests near the
shores such as at Chek Jawa. They bloom seasonally, whereupon they
provide a dash of bright colour to the forest gloom. Corners describes
it as "the most conspicuous of our wild Ixoras". According
to Hsuan Keng, they were found in forests such as at Bukit Timah and
Chua Chu Kang.
Features: A shrub to small tree
(up to 7m). Leaves large (12-30cm long), dark green. Flowers bright
orange, trumpet shaped and appear in bunches 15-20cm across. The Malay
name 'Jarum-jarum' means 'bunch of needles' which is what the unopened
flowers look like. The plant flowers seasonally, and not all the time,
like the cultivated varieties. The fruit is a thinly pulpy berry,
ripening red then purple or black, with 1-2 large seeds.
Human uses: Burkill indicates that there are no known uses
for this plant.
Chek Jawa,
Sep 09
Chek Jawa,
Sep 09

Chek Jawa,
Sep 09

Chek Jawa,
Sep 09
Chek Jawa,
Sep 09


Chek Jawa,
Nov 09


Chek Jawa,
Nov 09
- Ixora
congesta on Total Vascular Flora of Singapore Online:
photos and fact sheet.