Lumnitzera sp.
Family Combretaceae
Jan 2013
Where seen? This pretty plant with plasticky leaves and
tiny flowers is sometimes seen in back mangroves.
Features: Short shrub to tall
tree. Leaves spatula shaped with oval ends thick and fleshy, arranged
in a spiral. Flowers small. The small fruits are ribbed, corky and
float, and dispersed by water.
Sometimes mistaken for Chengam
(Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea) which has its leaves arranged
in a spiral.
According to Giesen, although occurring throughout Malaysia and Indonesia,
L. littorea and L. racemosa practically exclude each
other in habitat and have never been collected in exactly the same
stand. The exact cause of this different ecological behaviour is not
yet known. |

Pulau Ubin, Jan 09

Pulau Ubin,Nov 09
on Singapore shores |

Red flowers,
stamens much longer than petals.

Developing fruits.

White flowers,
stamens same length as petals.

Developing fruits.
- Hsuan Keng,
S.C. Chin and H. T. W. Tan. 1990, The
Concise Flora of Singapore: Gymnosperms and Dicotyledons.
Singapore University Press. 222 pp.
- Corners,
E. J. H., 1997. Wayside
Trees of Malaya: in two volumes.
Fourth edition, Malayan Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur. Volume 1:
1-476 pp, plates 1-38; volume 2: 477-861 pp., plates 139-236.
- Tomlinson,
P. B., 1986. The
Botany of Mangroves Cambridge University Press. USA. 419 pp.
- Davison,
G.W. H. and P. K. L. Ng and Ho Hua Chew, 2008. The Singapore
Red Data Book: Threatened plants and animals of Singapore.
Nature Society (Singapore). 285 pp.
- Ng, Peter
K. L. and Wang Luan Keng and Kelvin K. P. Lim, 2008. Private
Lives: An Expose of Singapore's Mangroves. The Raffles
Museum of Biodiversity Research . 249 pp.
- Burkill,
I. H., 1993. A
Dictionary of the Economic Products of the Malay Peninsula.
3rd printing. Publication Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur. Volume 1: 1-1240; volume 2: 1241-2444.