Tengar merah
Ceriops zippeliana
Family Rhizophoraceae
Jan 2013
Where seen? This beautiful mangrove with 'perky' propagules
is sometimes seen in our mangroves, often as shrubs or small trees.
This species was first described in 2008! It was previously listed
as Ceriops sp. nov. in our older mangrove checklists.
Features: A shrub to tree 12m
tall. Bark brownish with some lenticels, flaky at the base.
Leaves oval (tips not pointed) (7-11cm), glossy green. Leaf stalk usually not pinkish. Stipule flattened knife-like.
Flowers small (0.5cm) with tiny white frilly petals. Several flowers
on a short stalk, but not as many flowers as in Tengar
(Ceriops tagal).
Fruit brown with a textured pattern: this is the identifying feature
of this species. Hypocotyl long pointed (9-17cm long) with fluted
ridges along the length and a red collar when ready to drop off. The
propagules point upwards and in all directions, not all hanging downwards
as in Ceriops tagal.
Sometimes with stilt roots.
Status and threats: It is listed
as 'Endangered' on the Red List of threatened plants of Singapore. |

with stilt roots.
Pulau Ubin, Feb 11

Ubin, Jan 09

Leaves oval.
Pulau Ubin, Jul 09

Flowers small,
a few on a short stalk.
Pulau Ubin, Jan 09
White petals
with frilly edges.
Pulau Ubin, Jan 09

Brown 'fruit'
with textured surface.
Changi Creek, Apr 09
point upwards and other directions.
Pasir Ris Park, Mar 09

collar on ripe propagule.
Pulau Ubin, Aug 09
merah on Singapore shores |
- Ceriops zippeliana on the NParks Flora and Fauna website: photos and
fact sheet.
- Sheue CR,
HY Liu, CC Tsai, SMA Rashid, JWH Yong, and YP Yang. 2009. On the
morphology and molecular basis of segregation of two Species Ceriops
zippeliana Blume and C. decandra (Griff.) Ding Hou
(Rhizophoraceae) from southeastern Ding Hou (Rhizophoraceae) from
southeastern Asia Asia . Blumea (accepted). (SCI) 95-2621-B-415-002-MY2
. Blumea (accepted). (SCI) 95-2621-B-415-002-MY2
- Ceriops
zippeliana Blume (Rhizophoraceae), a New Record of a Mangrove
Species in Singapore Chiou-Rong Sheue, S. M. A. Rashid, Jean
W. H. Yong and Yuen-Po Yang, Taiwania, 55(1): 72-77, 2010