bat lily
Tacca leontopetaloides
Family Taccaceae
Jan 13
Where seen? A very rare plant in Singapore, it now only
occurs naturally at Pulau Semakau and Pulau Pawai. Some propagated
plants can be found at Bukit Batok Park. It grows in the sun-dappled
shade immediately above the high water mark. It is a widely distributed
pantropical plant. Its Malay name is 'Lukeh'. According to
Burkill, it was considered rare in Peninsular Malaysia.
Features: A low growing plant
with bright green hand-shaped leaves (30-70cm wide, 120cm long) on
long stalks (50cm-1m). At first glance, it looks a lot like giant
celery. It has small flowers (1cm) and globular fruits (4-5cm) growing
in a cluster with leafy bracts and long 'whiskers' which are also
bracts. The function of these 'whiskers' is not known.
The plant grows from underground tubers, hard and potato-like. Leaves
may die down as it lays dormant for sometime. Eventually, new leaves
will emerge.
uses: The plant is cultivated in the Pacific, East Asia
and East Africa for the starch in its underground roots. According
to Burkill, its tubers are very bitter when raw but can be made edible
with "suitable preparation". When the plant dies down, the
tubers are dug up, rasped into meal, soaked in water, the raspings
strained out and starch allowed to settle out of the water. Well purified
starch is known as Tahiti Arrowroot. The plant was cultivated in Thailand
and may have been in the northern parts of the Malay peninsula.
Status and threats: The plant
is listed as 'Critically Endangered' in the Red List of threatened
plants of Singapore. It is mainly threatened by the loss of its preferred
habitats of undisturbed coastal forest. Even in the past only recorded
from Pulau Semakau and Pulau Senang. |

Pulau Semakau, Aug 11

in shady spots under
coastal forest trees near the shoreline.
Pulau Semakau, Dec 08

Pulau Semakau, Dec 08

cluster with 'whiskers'.
Pulau Semakau, Dec 08

cluster with 'whiskers'.
Pulau Semakau, May 10
bat lily on Singapore shores