Sesuvium portulacastrum
Family Aizoaceae
Jan 13
Where seen? A carpet of this succulent plant is sometimes
seen on beaches and back mangroves. The tiny flowers are delicate
and pink. According to Hsuan Keng, it is found on clay soil near the
seashores. According to Giesen, it is found throughout Southeast Asia,
but not (yet) recorded in Borneo. 'Gelang laut' means 'Garland
of the Sea' in Malay. It is also called 'Sepit-sepit'.
Features: A spreading creeper
with many branches forming a carpet on the high shores of sandy beaches
and in back mangroves. Stems and leaves thick and fleshy. Stems up
to 1m long, smooth, sometimes bright red, and with roots at the nodes.
Leaves narrow spear-like (2.5-7cm) fleshy. Flowers tiny (0.5cm) at
the leaf axils, pale pink. The flowers close at night and when the
sky is overcast. Flowering occurs throughout the year. The fruit is
a smooth, round capsule containing tiny pea-shaped smooth black seeds.
The seeds don't float.
Small, pollen-collecting bees and day-flying moths pollinate the flowers.
Human uses: According to Burkill, the fresh leaves make
a very good vegetable, but only after cooking by 2-3 boilings as they
contain much salt. According to Geisen, in Thailand, this plant is
used widely as forage and feed for sheep, cattle and pigs and even
as a vegetable for human consumption.
Pulau Ubin,
Jan 09
Pulau Ubin,
Jan 09
Pulau Semakau,
Apr 09
laut on Singapore shores |
- Sesuvium
portulacastrum on Total Vascular Flora of Singapore Online:
photos and fact sheet.
- Sesuvium
portulacastrum on the NParks Flora and Fauna website:
photos and fact sheet.
- Giesen, Wim
and Stephan Wulffraat, Max Zieren and Liesbeth Scholten. 2006.
Guidebook for Southeast Asia (PDF online downloadable).
RAP publication 2006/07 Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok.
- Hsuan Keng,
S.C. Chin and H. T. W. Tan. 1990, The
Concise Flora of Singapore: Gymnosperms and Dicotyledons.
Singapore University Press. 222 pp.
- Burkill,
I. H., 1993. A
Dictionary of the Economic Products of the Malay Peninsula.
3rd printing. Publication Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur. Volume 1: 1-1240; volume 2: 1241-2444.