Allophylus cobbe
Family Sapindaceae
Jan 2013
Where seen? This pretty shrub with bright red fruits are
sometimes seen in our back mangroves and sandy shores. According to
Hsuan Keng, common along seashores including Kranji, Seletar and Jurong.
Elsewhere, they are also found in secondary forest. Globally widely
distributed from South America, South Africa through India to Southeast
Asia and Papua New Guinea.
Features: A shrub to tree (3-5m
tall), sometimes a climber. Variable shape and growth form, Corners
identified 5 varieties.
Distinguished by leaf made up of three leaflets eye-shaped (4-9cm
long), with a toothed edge, green that wither yellow.
Flowers tiny (0.2cm) white many on a spike.
Berries globular small (0.5cm), several clustered on a stem. These
ripen orange or red and are fleshy. The seeds are dispersed by birds.
According to the NParks Flora and Fauna website, it is the preferred
local food plant for caterpillars of the moths, Cleora injectaria
and Gonodontis clelia. According to Butterfly Circle, it is
the host plant for Nacaduba
pavana singapura.
Human uses: According to Giesen, the wood is not considered
of good quality and only used for roofing and sometimes as firewood.
According to Selvan, the wood was used to make bows. The fruits are
edible and according to Selvam, tastes "very sweet". The
leaves are used as a mouthwash, to treat fractures, relieve rashes.
The roots are used to treat diarrhoea.
Pulau Ubin,
Oct 09

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Sep 09

Kranji Nature Trail, Jan 13
Sungei Buloh
Wetland Reserve, Sep 09
Sungei Buloh
Wetland Reserve, Sep 09

of bugs seen on berries.
Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Mar 11

of bugs seen on leaves.
Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Mar 11

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Sep 09
on Singapore shores |
- Allophylus
cobbe on Total Vascular Flora of Singapore Online: photos
and fact sheet.
- Allophylus
cobbe on the NParks Flora and Fauna website: photos and
fact sheet.
- Tan, Hugh
T.W. and T. Morgany. 2001. Growing
the Native Plants of Singapore. BP Science Centre Guidebook.
- Hsuan Keng,
S.C. Chin and H. T. W. Tan. 1990, The
Concise Flora of Singapore: Gymnosperms and Dicotyledons.
Singapore University Press. 222 pp.
- Tomlinson,
P. B., 1986. The
Botany of Mangroves
Cambridge University Press. USA. 419 pp.
- Corners,
E. J. H., 1997. Wayside
Trees of Malaya: in two volumes.
Fourth edition, Malayan Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur. Volume 1:
1-476 pp, plates 1-38; volume 2: 477-861 pp., plates 139-236.
- V. Selvam.
2007. Trees
and Shrubs of the Maldives. Food and Agriculture Organisation
RAP publication 2007/12.