sea cucumber
Stichopus horrens*
Apr 2020
seen? This large sea cucumber are sometimes seen on our Southern shores, on coral rubble and near living reefs. It appears to be more active at night, hiding in crevices during the day. Elsewhere
it is common on rubble and sandy areas; hidden under rocks or dead
corals. Sea cucumbers that look very similar include S. monotuberculatus,
S. naso and S. quadrifasciatus. Precise identification can only be determined by looking at microscopic internal parts of the body.
Features: About 20cm long, but
can grow to 50cm long up to half a kilo in weight! Body
hard heavy, squarish in cross-section, blunt at the ends.
densely covered with large soft conical thorn-shaped structures - resembling the skin of the durian fruit. These thorns usually appear in two rows along the center of the upperside with a row of larger thorns along the sides near the base of the animal. Colours mottled greyish green with dark blotches. Sometimes also dark and other times bright orange. Elsewhere, highly variable, from grey to beige to
dark red, dark brown, greenish-brown or black with different
coloured blotches. Distinct flat underside, paler with many large
tube feet. Mouth facing downwards with 20 feeding tentacles. It disintegrates when
it is removed from water or otherwise stressed.
Baby cucumbers: It reaches sexual maturity at 16-18cm. It
has also been known to undergoe asexual reproduction by dividing into two (fission).

Pulau Semakau, Aug 11 |

up of 'thorns' |

Tube feet on the flat underside. |
Human uses: This is one of the
sea cucumbers whose body fluids are harvested in Malaysia for 'Air
Gamat', a local health tonic that believed to aid healing and other
ailments. Choo describes how in some places, the fluids are drained
from the sea cucumbers which are then returned to the net cages holding
them. The fluids are boiled in oil together with some herbs.
It is commercially harvested many places for food. According
to the IUCN
Red List: "Although it is not one of the most important species
(low value) for fishery purposes, it can may become more popular after
the depletionof other species of higher commercial importance and
value." |
*Species are difficult to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience of
sea cucumbers on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |

Terumbu Bemban, Jun 10
Photo shared by Toh Chay Hoon on her
blog. |

Pulau Semakau North, Sep 23
Photo shared by Tammy Lim on facebook. |

Pulau Semakau, Oct 10
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on flickr. |

Pulau Semakau, Jul 15
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on flickr. |