sea stars
Luidia sp.
Family Luidiidae
Mar 2020
seen? These sea stars are sometimes encountered on our Northern shores.
In sandy or silty shores. Sometimes, many are seen gathered together.
Features: The
arms are long, slightly rounded, and tapered to a pointed tip, edged
with tiny spines along the sides. The upper surface of the body is
covered with special flat-topped, pillar-like structures called paxillae.
The underside is pale, and from grooves along the arms emerge large
tube feet with pointed tips. They can move across the surface quite fast when submerged.
Losing it: These sea stars tend to drop off their arms if they are stressed. So don't pick them up by their arms!
What do they eat? These
sea stars are carnivores! They hunt small creatures that are buried in the sand. These sea stars don't push their
stomachs out of their mouths. Instead, they swallow their prey whole. |

Long, narrow arms.
Changi, Aug 08. |

In spawning position?
East Coast, Dec 08 |

Sometimes, many are seen together.
Changi, Jun 2019 |
Some Luidia
sea stars on Singapore shores |

Pointed tube feet: transparent.

Flat-topped, pillar-like structures called paxillae.

Pointed tube feet: yellow or orange.

Flat-topped, pillar-like structures called paxillae.

Pointed tube feet: transparent.

Flat-topped, pillar-like structures called paxillae.