feathery soft coral
Sansibia flava*
Family Xeniidae
Feb 2020
seen? Growing on small stones, this colony of tiny animals
is often overlooked. However, they are commonly seen on our
Southern shores. Near the mid-water mark, on rocky shores and among
coral rubble.
Features: Colony about 5-10cm
in area. Only one kind of polyp (autozooids) emerging from a thin
soft common membrane which can also be ribbon-like (stolons) although
this is usually hidden under sand and sediment. Polyps 1cm in diameter,
on stalks about 1-2cm long. The eight tentacles are broad and have
many thick side branches (pinnules) arranged in 1 to 4 rows along
both edges of each tentacle. Some have long tentacles, in others the
tentacles are shorter.
The tiny polyps usually don't retract completely into the common tissue, and
don't pulsate. Polyps from beige, pink, pale powder blue to bright blue, the entire
animal the same colour, but the entire colony may have patches of
polyps in different colours. The blue sheen is due to the iridescent
sclerites (tiny bits of calcium carbonate) that are found throughout
the animal.
The animals harbour high densities of symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae)
and thus can be found in clearer water or higher up on the intertidal
zone. |
St. John's
Island, Aug 05 |

Polyps do not retract completely. |

Sisters Islands, Jan 07


Terumbu Pempang Tengah, May 11


Sisters Islands, Jul 04

*Species are difficult to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience
of display
feathery soft corals on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |

Berlayar Creek, Feb 20
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on facebook. |

Terumbu Hantu, Jul 20
Photo shared by Richard Kuah on facebook. |

Pulau Biola, Dec 09

Terumbu Berkas, Jan 10

Pulau Pawai, Dec 09

Pulau Sudong, Dec 09
Photo shared by James Koh on his
flickr. |

Pulau Senang, Jun 10 |
- Fabricius,
Katharina and Philip Alderslade, 2001. Soft
Corals and Sea Fans.
Australian Institute of Marine Science and the Museum and
Art Gallery of the Northern Territoriy. 264 pp.