hexagonal corals
identification *
Family Merulinidae
Nov 2019
seen? Hard corals with very tiny irregular hexagonal corallites are sometimes
seen on our Southern shores.
Features: Colonies seen 10-20cm,
sometimes much larger (30-40cm). The colony is generally a smooth
boulder shape, but somewhat irregular and not always perfectly spherical.
The corallites tiny (less than 1cm) have shared walls and form tiny
irregular cells of different shapes and sizes, but generally with
about six sides. The result is a rather irregular pattern of hexagons.
Colony colours seen include beige, brown and blue.
Some species of corals recorded for Singapore that have these
patterns include: Goniastrea, Leptastrea and Platygyra species. It's
hard to distinguish them without close examination of small features
and they are grouped here by large external features for convenience
of display.
Sisters Island,
Nov 05
Sisters Island,
Nov 11

Sisters Island,
Nov 11

Pulau Hantu,
Apr 06

*Species are difficult
to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience
of display.
hexagonal corals on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |
Salu, Jan 10
Pulau Salu,
Jun 10
Pulau Senang,
Jun 10
Pulau Salu,
Jun 10
Pulau Berkas,
May 10
Pulau Biola,
Dec 09 |