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wild photos: Sekudu 30 Jul 04, 2am
Our first revisit after about a month and Sekudu is still as lively as ever. This little island off Chek Jawa, Pulau Ubin is a wonderland of sea creatures. The highlight for today was a brief look at a brittlestar releasing its eggs!!

But it was mostly a Fishy Day: we met with a wide variety of fishes.

See also my MMS uploads for more about this trip.
click on photo for enlargement
brittlestar releasing eggs! Copper-banded butterflyfish Kite butterflyfish    
Flathead Rabbitfish Filefish Toadfish  
Big red seastar and fish Goby Miliaris cowrie   Leaf slug
    Tiger prawn Snapping shrimp Blue sponge
  Thorny sea cucumber Tiny brittlestars in a sponge Colonial anemones Fanworm

these blog entries were first uploaded on MoBlog Singapore! Celebrate Singapore NDP 04
website©ria tan 2004