21:01 Sekudu Field Trip #1:
Work begins in late evening, packing the video gear... |
21:05 Sekudu Field Trip #2
:...and the still camera gear... |
00:46 Sekudu Field Trip #3:
After a short nap, we wake up to a hearty breakfast with the two important
C's: COFFEE and Coke... |
01:00 Sekudu Field Trip #4:
Time to go...but first have to extricate field pack from under Ginger
who is happily settled on it...
Posted on 30/07/04 12:07
Ah, there is Ginger!!!
gobygirl Posted on 30/07/04 09:54
The Cat Crusade strikes again! |
01:43 Sekudu Field Trip #5:
The old bridge over Changi Creek that brings us to Changi Jetty..everything
soo lomantic with dim lighting. Trying out the night mode function
on camera phone. Rather iffy. |
01:49 Sekudu Field Trip #6:
Yah gobygirl (who posted her comment before I could add text to this
photo) we do look very shifty...with a ton of gear, in the deep still
darkness, heading for parts unknown...
Posted on 30/07/04 09:53
Were you shipping illegal immigrants?? |
01:50 Sekudu Field Trip #7:
Changi Point from the boat... quite nice and the night mode function
quite impressive. |
30/07/04 02:04 Sekudu Field Trip #8:
We arrive safely on Sekudu and unpack the gear on lovely table sized
and table height rocks. There is even a little "cupboard" formed out
of overhanging rocks to stash stuff. It is starting to drizzle...
03:57 Sekudu Field Trip #9:
This is my best attempt to take a camera phone photo of the big red
starfish. Night mode function not so great after all. Will soon upload
the photos I took this morning soon, so you can have a look at better
shots of what we saw today. It was fabulous! Among the sights,
a brittlestar releasing its eggs!! I kid you not! |
05:11 Sekudu Field Trip #10:
It's a little after 5am and the tide has already turned so we head
home. No sunrise, so no better photos with camera phone...sorry :-)
Tomorrow, we'll be on the shore until sunrise, so wish us good weather
for better photos. |
10:43 Sekudu Field Trip #11 (last):
After Short Nap No. 2 (during low tide dates, we snatch sleep in short
bits), we finally get around to washing up the gear. We were hoping
it would rain while we slept so we wouldn't have to do it. Yes, Kok
Leong (who commented before I could add text to this photo), Lucifer
IS doing site inspection and saying "look at ALL these leaves! Where
is Kok Leong and his wonderful leaf blower?" :-) Ginger is fine Thanks!
She is featured in this series, see earlier photo as she refused to
get off the field gear.
Posted on 30/07/04 12:06
Lucifer ground inspection. How is Ginger? Is she back already? |