17:31 Pulau Ubin #24:
We finally reach the shore with the beautiful blue sea, at full high
tide and a strong sea breeze. This is heaven! |
17:38 Pulau Ubin #25:
And we meet some lucky guys who fished out a huge perch. After I showed
them the photo, they remarked...but we can't see the fish properly
:-) They were obviously very proud of their catch. |
17:40 Pulau Ubin #26:
They had also caught a large eel, which apparently makes very good
cooking...yumm...makes me hungry already. But we still have a ways
more to go. |
18:04 Pulau Ubin #27:
We head out to the end then realise the sun is setting and it's time
to go home. Wilson is missing his brother too. |
18:06 Pulau Ubin #28:
Wilson is a really sturdy little guy. Not even four and tough as nails.
No whinging and gripping, and joyously exploring everything. |
18:13 Pulau Ubin #29:
We stroll through kampung scenery that no longer exists on the mainland.
How many little kids can enjoy this as Wilson has? How will our kids
grow up if all they know is computer games and airconditioning? |
18:28 Pulau Ubin #30:
KP has given Wilson a lift into this rougher path. |
18:31 Pulau Ubin #31:
But Wilson has his own bike, which he left parked at the Headman's
house. Now it's time for all of us to go back on our own bikes. |
18:33 Pulau Ubin #32:
Boy, and can Wilson go! He whizzes by all of us...zoooom. |
18:39 Pulau Ubin #33:
And here's the reason why. A reward! Ice-cream!! |
18:49 Pulau Ubin #34:
Which is ALL gone in no time at all...see ma, nothing in here! |
18:51 Pulau Ubin #35:
Now it's time for Wilson to sponge off some of KP's fresh local coconut...
18:53 Pulau Ubin #36:
LOTS of wonderful fruits are available fresh off the tree at Ubin:
lovely purple mangosteens... |
18:54 Pulau Ubin #37:
juicy sweet dukus... |
18:55 Pulau Ubin #39:
..and fragrant nangkas. |
19:18 Pulau Ubin #40:
As evening falls, everyone slows down. There's lovely seafood dinner
overlooking the jetty... |
19:19 Pulau Ubin #41:
We get back to the bicycle shop just as they are closing up. Phew!
19:21 Pulau Ubin #42:
But before we go home, KP helps put up a special Singapore Flag. It's
a nautical ensign of the Singapore Flag used on ships. How appropriate
for the shop fronting the sea... |
19:34 Pulau Ubin #43:
We say good bye to the doggies..this is Baby. Apparently it was an
appropriate name when she was a puppy :-) But she's a really sweet
good dog. |
19:38 Pulau Ubin #44:
After a spectacular sunset (which was way behind the hill so couldn't
take a good photo of it), night falls over Ubin and it becomes even
more magical. |
19:39 Pulau Ubin #45:
Ubin Jetty is all lit up as people start going home. |
19:41 Pulau Ubin #46:
Many, however, are staying back for a wonderful home-cooked seafood
dinner. |
20:03 Pulau Ubin #47:
At Ubin Jetty, other families are just starting the evening with a
spot of fishing. Many folks overnight in the jetty on weekend. There's
a nice sea breeze, a lovely view of the starry night sky and the sound
of the lapping waves.... |
20:20 Pulau Ubin #48 (last):
Ronald and I take one of the last bumboats heading for the mainland.
The kids who are with us on the boat take a last look at this wonderful
island. Ubin, I can never get enough of it. |