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  Channel NewsAsia 13 Oct 07
NEA to release masterplan on energy efficiency soon

SINGAPORE: The National Environment Agency (NEA) is set to launch a masterplan on energy efficiency in Singapore soon.

Environment and Water Resources Minister Dr Yaacob Ibrahim said the plan will help meet the challenges of climate change and it will include discussions on setting targets for various sectors to improve energy efficiency.

Dr Yaacob said the masterplan would be targeted at different sectors, including households and individuals.

Speaking to reporters at a Hari Raya event, the minister also commended former US Vice-President Al Gore for winning the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on raising awareness on climate change.

He said Singapore should also support the green movement, which is why NEA will be launching the masterplan soon.

Dr Yaacob said: "In terms of response to climate change, while obviously changing from fossil fuel to non-fossil fuel is ideal, in the context of a country like Singapore where our options are somewhat limited, the next best thing that we can do is to be efficient in the way we use our energy." - CNA/so

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