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  IUCN website 5 Apr 05
Forests, Natural Disasters and Human Security: Examining the Linkages
Arbovitae article |

What role do forests play in natural disasters – tsunamis, floods, droughts, landslides – and how can forest conservation and restoration reduce the vulnerability of the people, particularly those who are poor, to such disasters?

The latest issue of arborvitae, the joint IUCN/WWF Forest Conservation Newsletter, explores the linkages between forests, natural disasters and human security by looking at the recent Indian Ocean tsunami and other natural disasters.

It also highlights some of the complexities and uncertainties of proving direct causal linkages between forests and disaster prevention, particularly in floods.

However, the issue concludes that the basic building blocks for achieving successful forest conservation and disaster reduction strategies are exactly the same – reducing poverty, ensuring local rights and promoting good governance.

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