Pseudoceros scintillatus
updated Feb 2020
seen? More often seen by divers. On the intertidal, this tiny flatworm is sometimes seen on our shores.
Features: 1cm long. Body black with white ovals and blobs of various random sizes from large to smaller dots to tiny spots. The ovals have a brighter white outer edge. Body margin
bright orange. Some of the smaller white ovals overlap on the orange margin. Has a pair of pseudotentacles made up of simple folds of the body edge. |

Pulau Sekudu, Jun 18
Photo shared by Toh Chay Hoon on facebook. |

Chek Jawa, Jul 18
Photo shared by Choo Yi Feng on facebook. |
Pulau Jong, Apr 15
Photo shared by Marcus Ng on flickr. |
grateful thanks to Rene Ong for identifying this flatworm.
- Rene S.L. Ong and Samantha J.W. Tong. 29 October 2018. A preliminary checklist and photographic catalogue of polyclad flatworms recorded from Singapore. Nature in Singapore 2018 11: 77–125
- Newman, Leslie
and Lester Cannon. 2003. Marine
Flatworms: The World of Polyclads.
CSIRO Publishing. 97pp.