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worms > Phylum Annelida > Class Polychaeta
Urchin-mouth worm
Oxydromus cf. angustifrons
Family Hesionidae
updated Oct 2016

Where seen? This small banded worm is seen curled around the mouth of White salmacis sea urchins and Black sea urchins on our Northern shores.

What are Urchin-mouth worms? They are segmented worms belonging to the Family Eunicidae, Class Polychaeta, Phylum Annelida. The polychaetes include bristleworms, and Phylum Annelida includes the more familiar earthworm.

Features: A small worm about 1-2cm long, cylindrical with tiny short legs. Usually banded brown and white. According to Chim Chee Kong, White salmacis sea urchins may have more than one worm, the largest one around the mouth, smaller ones elsewhere. Black sea urchins generally only have one worm, also around the mouth.

In a White salmacis sea urchin.
Changi, Oct 10

In a Black sea urchin.
Changi, Jun 04

Punggol, Dec 10
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on flickr.

Pasir Ris Park, May 09
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on flickr.

Cyrene Reef, Aug 11
Photo shared by James Koh on his blog

Urchin-mouth worms on Singapore shores

Photos of Urchin-mouth worm for free download from wildsingapore flickr

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