Phylum Chordata
> Subphylum Vertebrata > Class Mammalia |
Dugong dugon
Family Dugongidae
Jan 2021
seen? Dugongs used to be common in the Johor Straits but
were considered locally extinct by the 1980's. While in the late 1990's,
there were increased encounters with dugongs in the Johor Straits,
there were fewer sightings in the 2000's.
According to Davison, they are recorded mainly from the north-eastern
Johor Straits around the Sungai Johor estuary. Strandings have occured
on Pulau Ubin, Pulau Tekong, Changi and East Coast Park. Individuals
have been sighted off Changi, around Pulau Ubin, Pulau Tekong and
need to eat lots of seagrass so they keep moving and are usually not
permanently resident in one small location. Dugongs can travel several
hundred kilometers in a few days as they feed from place to place.
Our seagrass meadows are probably only one stop among many for dugongs
that live in the area. |

feeding trail.
Chek Jawa, Jan 07 |
Features: Adults 2.4-2.7m long and weighing 230-360kgs.
It is an air-breathing mammal that is well adapted to its underwater
lifestyle and seagrass diet. A
dugong's mouth faces downwards to munch on seagrass and it has large,
grinding teeth that grow continuously. Its digestive system is also
adapted for tackling seagrass. Its front limbs are modified into flippers,
used for steering when swimming, or for 'walking' as it floats over
the ground when feeding. A dugong has no hind limbs but has a powerful
tail fluke to swim with. Its grey, smooth skin is thick and sparsely
covered with hair. A dugong has lots of stored fat (blubber) which
provides bouyancy. The dugong is the only herbivorous mammal that
is strictly marine.
Sometimes confused with the manatee.
The natural range of the manatee is in the tropical coasts of the
Americas and Western Africa. While the dugong's natural range is from
Eastern Africa, the Red Sea, through India and Southeast Asia to Australia.
While the manatee has a circular tail fluke, dugongs have a forked
tail fluke. |

the captive dugong at Underwater World Sentosa on her 12th birthday
Jan 09, from Channel
NewsAsia. |
What does it eat? Seagrass is the dugong's main food. So
not surprisingly, it is also sometimes called the Sea Cow! It pulls
out a mouthful of seagrasses with its thick lips, shakes it to get
rid of the sand and then swallows. Dugong feeding trails are formed when dugongs chomp up seagrasses including their roots, leaving a shallow meandering furrow of about equal width and depth. A dugong often 'cultivates' a favourite
patch of seagrass by cropping it frequently. This promotes faster
growth of young tender leaves which the dugong prefers to eat. The dugong
one of the few large animals that can digest fresh seagrass. According to Davison, apparently it feeds during the night and rests
in deeper waters during the day.
babies: The mother dugong gives birth in shallow waters,
usually to a single calf. The calf clings to the mother's back as
she grazes. She suckles her baby for up to 18 months. The juvenile
might stay with her for another year after that. It is almost impossible
for the baby to survive if its mother dies. Dugongs reproduce slowly,
taking 9-10 years to reach sexual maturity and give birth only every
3-7 years. They can live up to 70 years.
and threats: The Dugong is listed as 'Critically Endangered'
in the Red List of threatened animals of Singapore. The
dugong's natural predators are sharks, killer whales and crocodiles.
But man is the main threat, hunting dugongs for their meat, oil, skin
(for leather) and for medicinal uses. Dugongs also drown when trapped
in fishing nets and are injured by boat propellers. Mostly, they are
threatened by the loss of seagrass habitats. Dugongs used to form
herds of hundreds, now groups of six are the average. The effective
conservation of dugongs requires international cooperation as their
natural range can cover many countries. Dugongs are considered highly
endangered globally; listed on CITES I and considered by the IUCN
to be vulnerable to extinction. |
Dugong feeding trails on Singapore shores |
dugong sightings in Singapore
- From the
wild shores of singapore blog.
- All sighting now compiled under the tag: 'mega fauna'
- Happy National Day with dolphins, sea turtles and dugongs! (Aug 2018)
- YES! Singapore got dugongs (May 2018)
- YES! Singapore got dolphins, sea turtles and dugongs (Aug-Sep 2017)
- Wild celebrations with dolphins, sea turtle and dugong (Aug 2017)
- Singapore got wild dolphins and dugongs too (May 2017)
- Singapore got sea turtles, dolphins (April 2017)
- Dugong feeding trails at Terumbu Pempang Laut (6 Aug 16)
- Dugong feeding trails at Chek Jawa (4 Jul 16)
- Dugong feeding trails at Changi (18 May 15)
- Singapore has wild dolphins, otters, dugongs, sea turtles and more! (18 Mar 13)
- Dugong feeding trails at Pulau Sekudu (16 Jun 14)
- Dugong feeding trails at Changi (26 Jun 13)
- Signs of dugong in the South! (11 May 2012)
- Special sightings since 2010: dugong, dolphin, sea turtles and more!
- Dugong feeding trails at Pulau Sekudu (20 Aug 13)
- Dugong feeding trails at Chek Jawa (21 Aug 13)
- Dugong feeding trails at Changi (26 Jul 13)
- Dugong feeding trails at Chek Jawa (21 Jul 13)
- Dugong feeding trails at Changi (26 Jun 13)
- Dugong feeding trails at Chek Jawa (15 Apr 13)
- Dugong feeding trails at Cyrene Reef (14 Apr 13)
- Singapore has wild dolphins, otters, dugongs, sea turtles and more! (18 Mar 13)
- Dugong feeding trails at Changi (14 Jan 13)
- Dugong feeding trails at Pulau Sekudu (18 Oct 12)
- Dugong feeding trails at Changi (3 Aug 12)
- Dugong feeding trails at Chek Jawa (13 May 12)
- Dugong feeding trails at Cyrene Reef (16 Apr 12)
- Dugong feeding trails at Chek Jawa (13 Apr 12)
- Dugong feeding trails at Chek Jawa (8 Jan 12)
- Dugong feeding trails at Changi (5 Jul 11)
- Dugong feeding trails at Chek Jawa (20 Jul 11)
- Quick
Chek Jawa check up with otter and dugong on 3 Jul 2011
- Mollusc
marvels on Changi, and more signs of dugong? on 20 May 2011
- Pregnant
papas on Changi with signs of dugong? on 19 May 2011
- Signs
of dugong at Chek Jawa? on 24 Apr 2011
- Dugong
sighting on Chek Jawa? on 20 Mar 2011
- Dugong
sighting at Chek Jawa? on 20 Mar 2011
- Dugong feeding trails at Chek Jawa (11 Jan 16) on wonder creations blog.
- Dugong and more at Chek Jawa! on the Naked Hermit Crab blog (6 Oct 13)
- Dugong
feeding trails at Southern Semakau on 27 May 2011 on wonderful
creation blog.
- Dugong
ivory at Changi Beach on 26 Mar 2011 on the Fun with Nature
- Dugong
feeding trail seen on Chek Jawa, 20 Jan 07 on the teamseagrass
- Dugong
spotted at Chek Jawa by contractors building the boardwalk, May
06 on the Ubin volunteers blog.
- Dugong
carcass washed ashore on southern Tekong, 6 Jun 06 on the
Raffles Museum news blog.
- Dugong
carcass found on the East Coast in Jul 01 on "The Body-snatchers"
(PDF) by N. Sivasothi. Raffles Museum Newsletter No. 2, 15 April
- Davison,
G.W. H. and P. K. L. Ng and Ho Hua Chew, 2008. The Singapore
Red Data Book: Threatened plants and animals of Singapore.
Nature Society (Singapore). 285 pp.
- Ripple, Jeff,
1999. Manatees
and Dugongs of the World
Voyageur Press, USA. 144 pp.
- Nowak, Ronald
M. 2003. Walker's
Marine Mammals of the World. The Johns Hopkins University
Press. 263 pp.
- Francis,
Charles M. 2001. Mammals
of South-East Asia
New Holland Publishers. 128 pp.