Siganus javus
Family Siganidae
Oct 2020
seen? This spotted and striped fish is sometimes
seen on our Northern shores, near coral rubble and seagrasses.
Features: To about 40cm, those
seen about 10-20cm. It is named
for its rabbit-like snout ('siganus' means 'has a nose like a rabbit')
or possibly for its habit of grazing on seaweeds. It is also called
Spinefoot after the spines on its pelvic fins, a unique feature of
this family. It has tiny scales. It is distinguished by the many small white spots on the upper side
of the body and fine longitudinal lines on the lower part of the body.
The head and fins are often yellow and the tail fin is dark. |

Tanah Merah, Dec 09 |
Chek Jawa, Aug 02 |
Painful sting! The rabbitfish has spines on its fins
that are grooved and contain venom glands. These spines may be found
on the dorsal, anal and pelvic fins. The sting of these spines can
be quite painful to humans, but is generally not fatal. The fishes
use their spines in self-defence and not for hunting prey.
How to stay safe: Wear covered shoes. Don't handle rabbitfishes. |
What does it eat? Juveniles feed
on algae growing on the bottom, sometimes entering river mouths to
do so. Adults may feed on plankton in mid-water.
Human uses: The fish is marketed
fresh in some places as food. |
rabbitfishes on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |

East Coast Park, Jun 08
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on his
blog. |

Tanah Merah, Oct 09
shared by Loh Kok Sheng on his
blog. |

Tanah Merah, May 09
Photo shared by James Koh on his
flickr. |
- Kuiter, Rudie
H. 2002. Guide
to Sea Fishes of Australia: A Comprehensive Reference for Divers
& Fishermen
New Holland Publishers. 434pp.