Cephalopholis boenak
Family Serranidae
Oct 2020
seen? This rather large fish with chocolate brown bars is sometimes seen on our some of our shores. Surprisingly common near seawalls, also near reefs and rubble, small ones sometimes seen among seagrasses. Elsewhere, this fish is found in
silty sheltered waters or reefs, usually alone.
Features: To about 20-30cm, but
those seen usually about 10-15cm. Brownish to
greenish with dusky vertical bands on the body. A dark spot on the upper edge of the gill cover. |
Tanah Merah, Jun 09 |
Dark spot on
upper edge of gill cover.
Tanah Merah,
May 10 |

Small one near seagrasses.
Chek Jawa, Jun 03 |

Hiding among rocks.
Sisters Islands, May 08
What does it eat? It hunts mainly
fishes and crustaceans.
Human uses: In some places they
harvested for eating, particularly when larger groupers have been overfished. |
hind on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |
Pulau Sekudu, May 09
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on flickr. |
Beting Bronok, Jun 18
Photo shared by Loh Kok Sheng on facebook. |

Kusu Island, Jun 24
Photo shared by Tammy Lim on facebook. |

Terumbu Semakau, May 23
Photo shared by Kelvin Yong on facebook. |
- Lieske,
Ewald and Robert Myers. 2001. Coral
Reef Fishes of the World
Periplus Editions. 400pp.