fat-nose goby
Pseudogobius javanicus
Family Gobiidae
Sep 2020
seen? This little snub-nosed goby is commonly seen in our mangroves. Elsewhere,
adults are found in the sea, estuaries and rivers.
Features: To 6cm, those seen about
3-4cm long. A rather elongated fish with a bulbous snout overhanging
its upper lip. The overall body colour is greyish or greenish, somewhat
tranparent and densely mottled in dark brown. There is a black bar
under first dorsal fin. The first dorsal fin has a black blotch on
rear portion, second dorsal fin and tail fin spotted. There are two
black spots at tail fin base.
What does it eat? It feeds on
small fishes and invertebrates. |

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Mar 06 |

Kranji, Jun 06 |

First dorsal fin with black blotch at the rear
portion, black bar under the first dorsal fin. |
fat-nose gobies on Singapore shores |
- Larson, Helen
K and Kelvin K. P. Lim. 2005. A
Guide to Gobies of Singapore. Singapore Science Centre.