sprawling sponge
Clathria reinwardti*
Family Microcionidae
Oct 2016
This large sprawling bright orange sponge is commonly seen on some
of our Southern shores, growing in sheltered shores on coral rubble
in or near seagrass areas and in man-made lagoons on our Southern
Features: 20-30cm.
Often looks like sprawling tree roots, branching and spreading horizontally
along the surface. Stems may be slender, long, angular and sparsely
branched, or short and regularly branched with short upright portions.
Or series of flattened upright lobes. Also combinations of these different
shapes in the same sponge. Texture smooth with a semi-translucent
surface skin that collapses when out of water to form folds and ridges.
At intervals along the top portion of the sponge there are lumps or
short fat cones with small holes (0.5cm) at the tips. The holes have
membranous lips and water channels radiate from these holes. The holes
are more obvious when the sponge is submerged. Out of water, the hole
are closed as the lips collapse, and the area around it puckers into
rdiges. Colour usually bright orange, also paler orange. |
Pulau Semakau,
Mar 05


Hole with membranous lips and
water channels radiating out from the hole.

Cone with holes at the tip.

Pulau Hantu, May 09
Pulau Semakau,
May 07

Cyrene Reef, Jun 08

Beting Bemban
Besar, Jun 09
*Sponge species are difficult to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience of
sprawling sponges on Singapore shores |

Terumbu Semakau, May 10 |

Pulau Pawai, Dec 09

Terumbu Berkas, Jan 10

Pulau Berkas, May 10

Pulau Senang, Jun 10 |

Terumbu Salu, Jan 10 |
- Lim Swee
Cheng, Nicole de Voogd and Tan Koh Siang. 2008. A
Guide to Sponges of Singapore. Singapore Science Centre.