Spheciospongia cf. vagabunda*
Family Clionaidae
updated Oct 2016
This smooth lumpy sponge is particularly common on our Southern shores
on muddy bottoms of lagoons near the mid-water mark. There may be
a broad zone of these sponges near reefs.
Features: 10-20cm wide. The smooth velvety sponge is highly
variable in shape. Basically, three kinds of shapes: an irregular
mass that is low and flush with the ground, usually full of little
holes; or an irregular mass with many tall stout cones with holes
at the tips; on an irregular mass with globular lumps attached, sometimes
on a stalk. These globular lumps can break off to form new sponges
elsewhere. All three form have similar internal structures (skeleton
form and spicules). Colour usually a chocolate brown.
Chocolate Lovers: The small smooth
holes of the sponge is usually inhabited by tiny
brittle stars. All you can see of them are their little arms.
When submerged, a brittle star infested sponge appears furry. Sponge barnacles
(Membranobalanus longirostrum) may also be found in this sponge.
Possibly, the tiny spotted fans often seen on this sponge are the
feeding 'feet' of these barnacles.Tiny spinoid
worms may encrust the outer surface of the sponge, spacing themselves
out regularly, at a distance equalling the length of their tentacles.

The sponge can be found over a large area.
Terumbu Pempang Darat, Jun 10

Sentosa, Aug 05

Low irregular mass with
lumps growing on the sponge.

Pulau Hantu, Feb 06

Stout cones on an irregular mass.

Pulau Semakau, Dec 05

Large globular lump on a stalk.
*Species are difficult to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience of
sponges on Singapore shores |

Pulau Sudong, Dec 09 |

Terumbu Berkas, Jan 10 |

Terumbu Berkas, Jan 10 |

Terumbu Salu, Jan 10

Pulau Pawai, Dec 09

Pulau Salu, Aug 10

Pulau Senang, Aug 10 |
- Lim Swee
Cheng, Nicole de Voogd and Tan Koh Siang. 2008. A
Guide to Sponges of Singapore. Singapore Science Centre.