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Seaweeds > Division Chlorophyta
Sea grapes compared
How to tell them apart?
updated Jan 13

Here's how to tell apart these two green seaweeds with little round shapes.

Round sea grapes
Caulerpa lentillifera
Oval sea grapes
Caulerpa racemosa
Bell sea grape seaweed
Caulpera racemosa var. turbinata
There is a distinct constriction where
the round 'grape' connects to the stem.
The 'grape' may be round or club-shaped.
The 'grape' with flat tip so they appear conical or bell-shaped.
The bunch is usually sausage-shaped with the round 'grapes' tightly and regularly packed next to one another.
The bunch is loosely covered with 'grapes' that may be irregularly arranged.
The bunch is loosely covered with 'grapes' that may be irregularly arranged.

More comparisons

Parasol green seaweed
Caulerpa peltata

Small parasol green seaweed
Caulerpa racemosa var peltata

Bubble green seaweed
Boergesenia forbesii

Green sea sausage seaweed
Bornetella sp.
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