spoon seagrass
Family Hydrocharitaceae
Mar 14
This oval seagrass with hairy leaves is usually seen in deeper waters,
and sometimes also on the intertidal.
Hairy spoon seagrass is the only pan-tropical seagrass species and
found in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific. This global distribution
is believed to be the result of recent colonisation as there is little
genetic divergence among the plants. This suggest that the species
is capable of long distance dispersal. It is found from deeper waters
and also in reef and sandy habitats. It seems tolerant of low light
conditions and in very clear waters has been recorded (elsewhere)
to depths greater than 50m.
Features: The seagrass
has oval leaves that are longer (1-2.5cm) than the width (0.5cm).
There are minute serrations on the leaf edge and minute hairs on both
sides of the leaf. It has thin, smooth, white rhizomes (underground
stems). The leaves emerge in pairs from these rhizomes.
Flowers and fruits: Small green
fruits (0.5cm) contain up to 30 tiny seeds. The species sometimes
behaves as an annual, growing, flowering, setting seed and dying in
a short period of time.
Role in the habitat: This seagrass
may be an important food source for marine grazers.
Status and threats: It was first
recorded in Singapore in 2008, from specimens found off Pulau Semakau
at a depth of about 8m. It has since been sighted at other locations
in waters off the Southern islands and on the intertidal in the North.

Changi, May 09

hairs on the leaf.

Leaf blade longer than
wide .

Pasir Ris Park, Aug 13

Pasir Ris Park, Aug 13

Pasir Ris Park, Aug 13
spoon seagrass on Singapore shores |
- Waycott,
Michelle (et. al). 2004. A Guide to Tropical Seagrasses of
the Indo-West Pacific. 2004. James Cook University. 72 pp.
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