olive snail
Oliva tigridella*
Family Olividae
Sep 2020
seen? This small bullet-shaped snail is sometimes seen
on our Northern shores. A burrowing snail, it is more
often seen above the ground at night or with the incoming tide.
Features: 2-3.5cm. Shell thick
heavy glossy, cylindrical bullet-shaped with tall conical spire. Shell pattern various from plain to dark speckles to large
dark brown or black blotchy bars. The shell opening purplish brown.Body large beige with brownish spots all over. A
long siphon sticks out of the notch in the shell. It does not have
an operculum. |

Changi, Apr 13
Tall conical spire.

Shell opening purplish brown

Changi, Apr 13


Changi, Jun 09


East Coast Park, Jun 09

*Species are difficult
to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience of
olive snails on Singapore shores |
With grateful thanks to Tan Siong Kiat of the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity
Research for identifying this snail.
- Tan Siong
Kiat and Henrietta P. M. Woo, 2010 Preliminary
Checklist of The Molluscs of Singapore (pdf), Raffles
Museum of Biodiversity Research, National University of Singapore.