jingle clam
Enigmonia aenigmatica
Family Anomiidae
May 2020
seen? Like shiny scales, this animal is commonly seen in
groups of a few individuals on leaves, trunks and roots of mangrove
trees. It usually settles at a height between the high spring and
high neap tide.
Features: To
about 3cm. The two-part shell is thin and lustrous.
Usually oval, sometimes irregular. Colours range from beige, purplish
to blackish.
valve is stuck to a hard surface (leaves,
tree trunk, roots) and this valve is usually flat. The other valve is usually slightly
conical in shape. The
valve that is stuck to the hard surface has a notch or hole
in it. The animal secretes byssus threads through the hole to
stick to the hard surface.
Sometimes called the tree-climbing clam, the young animal is more mobile and can
move around by using its extendible foot. A young animal is
relatively broader than a more mature animal. |
Lim Chu Kang,
Jan 04 |

Seletar, Jun
02 |
jingle clams on Singapore shores |
- Sigurdsson, J.B. & Sundari, G. Colour changes in the shell of the tree-climbing bivalve Enigmonia aenigatica (Holten, 1802) (Anomiidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 38 (2): Pp. 213-218.
- Tan Siong
Kiat and Henrietta P. M. Woo, 2010 Preliminary
Checklist of The Molluscs of Singapore (pdf), Raffles
Museum of Biodiversity Research, National University of Singapore.
- Tan, K. S.
& L. M. Chou, 2000. A
Guide to the Common Seashells of Singapore. Singapore
Science Centre. 160 pp.