for handling know-it-all visitors
Apr 2020
A visitor can be
a dream or a nightmare. It's all up to YOU!
More about some typical visitor behaviour that guides may find difficult to handle. Be aware, that half of the
problem is YOU.
Suddenly, one of the visitors turns out to be an aggressive know-it-all.
"What the scientific name of this?" "How come you don't know what
it is?" "I know more about this than you do"
Or the visitor continuously interrupts or contradicts what you say.
Or starts talking about something else and starts becoming the guide.
How to find out if there is a know-it-all
in your group?
During the introduction, find out more about them. Have they come
to the seashores before? Are any of them biologists, scientists, science
students? Is there something they are particularly interested in?
Good things about know-it-alls
They are eager to know and to interact with you. Although they may
disagree you, they do listen. Often, we may feel intimidated by people
who seem to know more than us, but actually, these people may just
be very interested and not know that they are being intimidating.
They are eager to share. Encourage them to share.
Ask questions. When you get to a new thing, ask them first what they
know about it. Then add on what you know.
Not so good things about know-it-alls
Disruptive and makes you feel confused and depressed.
- You can try
to ignore the visitor and just move on.
- If it really
gets you down, shorten the trip so that the situation in minimised.
There is no reason for you to have a bad time because of a badly
behaved visitor. If he contradicts you, just firmly state what
you think is correct and move on. If the other members of the
team choose to believe him instead of you, there is really not
much you can do without turning the situation ugly, so let it
Don't be a bad
guide. Be a good guide instead. |