pincered fiddler crab
awaiting identification*
Family Ocypodidae
Dec 2019
seen? This fiddler crab with a rather short and stout enlarged
pincer is seen in the back mangroves.
Features: Body width 1-1.5cm.
Body squarish. The male fiddler crab's enlarged pincer about one and
half time as long as the body width. The enlarged pincer's outer palm
is pimply with groove on the lower edge. The movable upper finger
meets (does not extend past) the immobile lower finger. The tips of
the fingers are flattened and sword- or sabre-like. There is a wide
gape between the upper and lower finger. The enlarged pincer may be
orange, pinkish, purplish. Body colour dark often with a pair of pale
bars. Eyes reddish or black, on long stalks pale or yellowish, walking
legs short black or brown.
Crabs on this page may be from different species including Uca
dussumieri, Uca paradussumieri and Uca forcipata=Uca manii.
These are difficult to tell apart in the field. |

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Sep 09

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Aug 09

Chek Jawa, Sep 09

Chek Jawa, Dec 09

Pasir Ris Park, Apr 10

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Sep 09
*Species are difficult to positively identify without close examination.
On this website, they are grouped by external features for convenience of
pincered fiddler crabs on Singapore shores |
Other sightings on Singapore shores |

Chek Jawa, Aug 09
shared by James Koh on his
blog. |