moon crab
Matuta planipes
Family Matutidae
Dec 2019
seen? This well decorated moon crab is sometimes very commonly
seen on Changi, on sandy areas near seagrasses. It is more active
at night and is rarely seen by daytime visitors as they are then often
buried in the sediments. 'Planipes' in Latin means 'actor who wears
no shoes'.
Features: Body width 5-8cm. Body rather circular, with a pair of
long spikes on the sides. Does not have bumps on the middle of the
body. Colours beige to yellow with little maroon dots forming a net-like
pattern with white spaces. Pincers short, sturdy, held against the
body to form a somewhat box-like shape. All walking legs end in paddle-shaped
tips and used to skim along the sea bottom and also like spades to
rapidly burrow into the sand. Legs are bright yellow on the upper
part with bluish or dark markings near the paddle-shaped ends. |

Changi, Aug 05 |

Changi, May 05

Changi, Jul 08
moon crabs on Singapore shores |
- Ng, Peter
K. L. and Daniele Guinot and Peter J. F. Davie, 2008. Systema
Brachyurorum: Part 1. An annotated checklist of extant Brachyuran
crabs of the world. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement
No. 17, 31 Jan 2008. 286 pp.
- Jones Diana
S. and Gary J. Morgan, 2002. A Field Guide to Crustaceans of
Australian Waters. Reed New Holland. 224 pp.